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“Hi, I’m Warren, we spoke on the phone, how? How did you do that?” He gestures to Mr. Ford. I shrug my shoulders. I’ve placed first rank in my class, put down men and woman for that matter and it never seems to get old. My older three brothers kept me on my toes, along with my father. They taught me everything I know.

Except the makeup thing. With mom gone I had to figure it out on my own. I release Warren’s hand and reach for Mr. Ford’s. He takes my hand in his, a spark ignites and the heat burns my skin, I flinch and pull away.

“Sorry, the carpet must have static.” He says rubbing his hands on his jeans.

“Okay, let’s get down to business. I’ve seen the file. You have a big premiere coming up. Congrats. As an undercover bodyguard, it will appear I’m your next best fling. No-one but us three, my partner Mark and Chief Belmont will be aware of the truth.” Hunter sits back and sighs. “Look buddy, this isn’t all wine and roses for me either. So, deal with it and make the best of a shitty situation.” He rolls his eyes.

“With the threats you received, we felt it would be better if I escort you to events. The pool, stores, blah, blah, blah. Got it?”

The corner of his mouth twitches into a smile, “blah, blah, blah. You think you could be my best fling?” he wiggles his eyebrows. All the tension leaves the room.

Maybe this won’t be so bad after all. I take the beer from his grasp and take a long sip. “We’ll have to make it look real. Can you fake it? I know I can.” I lick my lip and drag the bottom one in, cocking my hip out.

His eyes smolder with lust. “With me you’d never have to fake it,” he says and tilts his head admiring my curves.

“Oh Sparky, that isn’t true, according to all the gossip magazines. I hear you’re…umm...lacking in that department.”

His head snaps straight and his face turns a little red. Bull’s eye. “Well then, I’ll have to prove you wrong,” he yanks at his crotch. Yeah, I don’t know why guys think that does anything for us women. It doesn’t.

“I assume there’s an extra room somewhere in this place for me?” My boots sink into the soft carpet and I cross the room into the foyer to retrieve my bags from the front porch.

“Wait a second. I have a problem. Like you don’t take orders, neither do I. Now since Warren insists on this, there are some ground rules. For one, I won’t be a prisoner. You can’t cuff me and keep me here.” His anger shows and I can’t blame the guy, but I won’t be a babysitter either. We have to get along one way or another. I step closer and check out his full muscular figure, his eyes watch as I look him over from head to toe.

“Look Sparky, if I wanted to cuff you and keep you here, I could, and you’d fuckin’ love it.” In two quick strides, he’s a mere inch from my body. The tension between us builds. I hold my ground but my breath catches and my pulse quickens. I wasn’t expecting him to invade my space so quick. My libido is on fire. His aftershave is masculine and all him.

“So, you’re not only a smart ass but you’re kinky too?” His head tilts and a sly smirk appears. I poke my finger into his chest to push him back but he doesn’t budge, “Not that you’ll ever have a chance.” He steps around me and moves the hair from my neck, he’s testing me and I’ll pass with flying colors, I always do. Until the warmth of his breath caresses my bare skin below my ear and I swallow hard.

In a light whisper, “You can’t handle it.” His finger glides down the other side of my neck. “But I can, and once more you’ll enjoy it. You’ll keep coming…and coming…back for more.” He moves back into view, waiting for me to admit it. Yeah, it will never happen, but damn.

“What? You think you can have any woman you want? You think you’re so hot, people fall and kiss the ground you walk on.” I snarl back at him.

“They usually do. But you, you like the challenge. You like the excitement of the game. The chase. You like a good dare.”

I roll my eyes. He’s right but I’m not stupid. With my hand on my hip I ask, “And what would that be? You? Are you the dare?” He nods. Whatever, I’d never fall for him. He’s too high maintenance.


I’m right, her eyes gave it away when they flared, and I hit the nail on the head. This is one tough cookie and if I’m honest with myself, I like a good challenge too. This could be an interesting few weeks.

Warren clears his throat, “I’ll get out of the way. Remember Hunter I’m going away for few weeks. Call me if anything comes up.” He closes the door behind him. This leaves Danica and me standing in the foyer. I gesture towards the stairs which leads to the four bedrooms and take her bag.

We climb the stairs, her ass sways in my face and I want to spank it so hard my palm twitches. Tight blue jeans, a white t-shirt she cut so her mid-section shows, and freaking combat boots. Who would have thought someone so rugged would turn me on? I’ve always had models and glamour girls flaunting themselves at me. Here this beauty wants nothing to do with me, and I’m drooling over her feistiness.

When we reach the second-floor landing, she turns and I read the words,Bite Me,across her chest. “Is that an invitation?” Her neck stretches to look at me and her cleavage is now exposed. Her body is like an hourglass with curves in all the right places. “You have other clothes, right?” These can be distracting. Besides, if she’s my fake girlfriend, outfits like these won’t do.

“What’s wrong with my clothes?” She leans forward and intertwines her fingers. Her cleavage is about to burst from the low cut she made. Now it’s not just my hand that’s twitching.

“My eyes are up here.” I glance up and the left side of her mouth smirks, her left eyebrow raises.

Busted. Why do I find her so irresistible? She’s like gasoline to my fire. A high I want to feel and never come down from. I motion to the bedroom across from mine and drop her luggage at the door. “I’ll leave you to it.”

She takes her bag inside and looks over her shoulder, “I’ll be down in a few and you can show me around. Don’t go anywhere.” Then she tosses the bag on the bed and looks around.

Chapter Three


From what I can tell there are four bedrooms on this floor. Two on the left of the stairs and these two on the right with two bathrooms. Both accessible from the hallway and the bedrooms.
