Page 6 of Unexpected Days

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I raise my wine glass and smile back. I know he hates to talk about his dating life as much as I hate to talk about mine. He changes the conversation just as the food arrives. He tells me about the work trip he’s taking later this month and the vacation he’s taking next month. I can’t help but smile, in my whole life I could count on one hand the amount of vacations my dad has taken. Most of which were when I was a kid and had begged to go to Disney World. I am glad he is finally starting to slow down.

Chapter Five

My dad walks me to the subway, I thank him for dinner, and we head our separate ways. I still haven’t heard from Cody so I am going to stop by the bar. Part of me feels like a stalker girlfriend, but the other part of me is a little bit worried. I mean who says ‘emergency’ and then doesn’t respond for the rest of the day?

As I walk down the block to the bar, I spot Sawyer and Cody’s motorcycles outside and I feel a bit more relaxed. I should’ve known better than to second guess myself, he is probably just having a busy day. I use the back entrance, sliding in past the security and waving to the other bartenders.

Before Cody and I started dating, Riley and I had been regulars here. I had been dragging her here as often as I could for a chance to check out Cody. Or as I knew him back then, the hot bartender. He was someone who made me feel butterflies, which was a rarity for me. It had been a slow burn, months of simple hellos and him learning my drink order before we finally got to talk.

After Riley ended up punching this gross asshole who had tried groping me, she ended up needing ice, meeting Sawyer, and the rest is history. Cody was the first in a long time to want to get to know me, breaking down the walls I had constructed. We became friends first, bonuses to Riley and Sawyer’s budding romance when he finally made the first move. Kissing me had been bold, but we had been flirting and toeing the line for long enough according to him. The way he made me feel was unlike anyone else.

My butterflies fade into a calm happy when I see him. Even now, a year later at the bar across the room as soon as I spot him, I feel instantly better. He doesn’t see me, the crowd around him is too thick and loud to notice me, but I watch him in his element. His white t-shirt clinging to his chest, his biceps flexing as he shakes and mixes drinks. He’s oblivious to the girls throwing their chests at him. Something I’m still working on overcoming my jealously on.

The music seems louder than normal, my head starting to pound with the beat. I push past the crowd and wait until I can secure a spot at the bar. It’s on the opposite end of Cody, so I wait until he sees me and smile.

“What are you doing here?” His mood shifts entirely. A huge smile appearing on his face as he grabs the bottle of tequila.

“I came to see my favorite bartender!” I shout over the music. One of the girls that was trying to flirt with him give me a dirty look.Ha! Serves the bitch right.

“Worried about me?” he asks, knowing my ulterior motive.

I just shrug instead of responding. I don’t like this kind of feeling, I know I am getting in too deep with him. He smiles and puts a shot of tequila in front of me. The glass of wine at dinner hadn’t done much so I happily accept and toss it back.

“Hey! Ty! Take over, I’ll be back!” he shouts to one of the other bartenders who nods.

Cody walks out from behind the bar and grabs my hand. The girl who gave me a dirty look watches in shock. I fluff my hair over my shoulder and smirk, a signature fuck you in girl language.

He leads me back to his office where it is nice and quiet. He shares the office with Sawyer, neither of them ever needing it at the same time. There’s photos of Riley on the desk and a small one of all of us on the shelf behind him. There is a small black wooden desk, a desk chair, and tons of paperwork scattered on the desk. A black leather couch sits along one wall, under a variety of band posters.

“I missed you.” He closes the door behind us and pulls me in for a kiss. “I’m sorry I didn’t call, it’s been crazy here.”

“It’s okay, I had a busy work day.” The image of Parker pops into my head.

“Oh yeah? Everything okay?” He sits on the black couch and pulls me onto his lap.

“Yeah, just work stuff.” I don’t know why I leave it out what happened, but I do.

“So, there was a pipe that burst this morning, and when the restaurant crew came in this morning they were not happy to be in a few inches of water. It took all morning to get it fixed, it was a shit show,” he explains. The bar is a restaurant during the day, at night the tables are removed to make room for a dance floor.

“Damn, I knew it must have been something bad for you to leave before I was even awake.” I chuckle.

“Yes, it was. I’m exhausted.”

“Do you have to stay?” I ask hopefully. After the day I had, all I want to do is spend the night with him.

“I think someone missed me today,” he teases.

“Oh, forget it.” I roll my eyes and try to stand, but he pulls me back. His face inches from mine, I can’t help but bite my lip.

He leans in, hovering his lips incredibly close to mine. I feel every hair on the back of my neck stand up in anticipation as a chill runs through my body. I lean forward and he pulls back slightly, torturing me.

“Say you missed me too,” he whispers. His words are warm against my lips. I want to prove him wrong, say nothing, but as I try to kiss him again he pulls back. “Say it.” His words go straight to my core and I bite my lip.

“Fine, I missed you. A little bit,” I grumble, glaring at him.

“That’s my girl.” He smiles and leans in to kiss me fully. His tongue slipping in, a moan escaping my lips as he pulls me on his lap.

The kiss deepens as he holds me close, letting our chests graze. He’s teasing me, this is his usual game. Our power struggle, he pushes me to admit how I feel, then teases me until I do. One of the only times I let go and let myself lose control. It doesn’t feel like I am with him, he doesn’t make me feel afraid to let go.
