Page 103 of Ghost

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“Bullseye found out about Reaper.”

“You’re shittin’ me, right?” Massacre cursed.

“Well, pardon the pun, but I guess the cat is out of the bag, now,” added Viper.

“What the fuck are you two talking about?” I asked.

“Does he know everything?” Smoke asked curiously.

Matrix nodded at those who apparently knew something I didn’t, and though gossip never bothered me, when it came to my brothers and the club, well, it rubbed me wrong.

“Okay,” Matrix began. “You already know that Pop’s wasn’t on the up and up, right?”

Nodding, I waved my hand, telling him to talk faster.

“What you don’t know was that the meet you and Pop went to was staged.”

“Excuse me? I was there. Those were Pavlov’s men that shot at us. Fuck, I killed one of them before they got the dime on Pop’s.”

“That may be true, but Pop’s death wasn’t caused by a stray bullet Ghost. He was killed by a mercenary. A gun for hire.”


Matrix looked down at his laptop, then at Viper, Massacre and Smoke. When he didn’t respond, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck rise. “Who!” I shouted, slamming my hand down on the wooden table.

“Bullseye,” Massacre said. “Reaper hired Bullseye to kill Pops.”

“No.” I shook my head. I wouldn’t believe it. It was impossible. Bullseye wasn’t even a member of the club back then. How would Reaper know about him? It was a lie.

“I don’t believe you.”

“It’s true, boss,” Massacre stated. “And there’s more. Tell him Matrix.”

“Reaper knew something was wrong with the club before Pop’s died. So, he asked me to do some digging. That’s why I left before the shit hit the fan. Reaper set me up in Denver. Close, but far enough away so I could do what I needed to do. What I found out solidified Pop’s execution in Reaper’s eyes. Reaper found out that Pops had sold Mia to the Collector and Reaper lost it. He asked me to find the best mercenary I could and hire him to kill Pops. So, I did. Only when I found Dylan, I didn’t know about his past connection to this club until Reaper found this photo.” Matrix said, sliding me a small picture.

Looking at it, I could clearly see Pops with two young children. Though the kids were unfamiliar to me, my gut started to churn when I really looked at the small boy.

“What connection?”

“Pops was Bullseye’s and Layla’s father.”

Oh fuck.

This was bad.

Really bad.

The room was utterly silent as I looked at the picture, trying to digest everything Matrix had just said. I knew this club had many secrets, and I agree with Reaper about airing out the past, but this would rock the club to its core. Not only did Reaper have his father killed, but he also hired his only brother to kill the very man he knew nothing about. I couldn’t imagine what Bullseye was going through, knowing that he killed his own father. Hell, as far as I knew, Bullseye never knew who his father was.

“A few of us found out a few days before Reaper left to catch up with Bullseye after he found Layla and Ari,” Savage whispered. “Reaper swore us to secrecy until he had a chance to speak with Bullseye, but shit went sideways as you well know. When Layla was handed over to the Vultures, Bullseye lost it and went after them.”

“And Reaper followed,” I added. Yet, I couldn’t get this weird feeling out of the pit of my stomach. I was missing something, and I didn’t know what. Something wasn’t adding up. Looking at Savage, I asked, “Where is Kitty?”

“In the kitchen.”

“Go get her.”

While Savage left to go get his sister, I asked. “Anything on the other shit we have piled on our plate?”
