Page 19 of Ghost

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Sitting up, I looked at Reaper, then Phantom, who nodded. Turning back to Reaper, I didn’t say anything, only questioned him with my eyes. This shit was mixing with club business that hadn’t been resolved yet. Shit that only a few knew about.

“We are going to go after the fucker and kill him, as planned, Ghost,” Reaper said, crossing his arms over his chest, resolute in his decision. “While you were downstairs with Healer, I had Phantom and Massacre bring the rest of the boys up to speed. They now know everything. When Phantom told me, who was behind the cult, I had no choice. Everyone now knows why you left and what you were doing.”

Though I was shocked Reaper had told everyone, I wasn’t surprised. He was honest when he said no more lies after the FBI raided the clubhouse a little over two months ago. Secrets were for liars, according to Reaper, and I agreed.

“Player look up the name Aariaani Nicholas. That’s the name of the woman in my dreams.”

Reaper grinned as he raised his eyebrow, questioning me.

“Not what you think, you bastard.”

“Not a bastard. I know who my mother is.”


Player cleared his throat. “Aariaani Nicholas, born April 9th, 2001 in Cairo, Egypt, to Ambassador Henry Nicholas and Myra Patel. Lived in Egypt until she was five, when her father retired, returning to the United States. They moved to Salem, Oregon. There are no records of Aariaani attending any public schools, but the family was prominent in the church community.”

“Here’s something,” Phantom jumped in. “The mother, Myra Patel, was a political activist back in her day. Protesting the cruel punishments of the government. When she was eighteen, she was arrested and sentenced to fifteen years in prison, and I quote, ‘Insurrection and disregard for the high law.’Yet, a year later, she married Nicholas in Egypt?”

“Hmm,” Player curiously added. “Myra died shortly after moving to Salem. According to hospital records, she died of complications to the flu?”

“That’s a cover-up if I ever heard one,” Savage muttered.

“Preach,” Chains whispered, then fist-bumped Savage.

“What about Aariaani?” I asked, trying to move this conversation along. Something told me that she was in trouble. I could still remember my dream, and the more I thought about it, the more I knew I was right. Whatever was going on, it was affecting her. She was the clue.

“Honestly, Ghost, there really isn’t much on her,” Player said, clicking away. When I looked at Phantom, she shrugged her shoulders. “I got nothing, too.”

“Can you remember anything else from your dream?” Reaper asked. And that was the crux of the matter. What I remembered wasn’t much. I could tell them what she looked like and give her name, but that was about it.

“Wait,” I snapped my fingers. “In my dream, she said, Uncle. That her Uncle was coming.”

“Checking for any Uncles now,” Player whispered as he and Phantom typed furiously away on their computers. I had to give it to them. Those two geeks were experts when it came to finding shit. Not to mention their tech abilities damn near rivaled Bullseye, the club’s best sharpshooter and security expert extraordinaire.

“Okay, according,” Player began then stopped when several brothers laughed.

“Is that even a legit source?”

“We ain’t needing her heritage, man.”

“Seriously, Reginald, that’s the best you can do?” Massacre chuckled.

“Shut up, Dwayne!” Player seethed, shoving his laptop towards his brother. “Think you can do better, have at it.”

“I will,” Massacre said, sliding the laptop in front of him. When he just stared at the screen as if it were some foreign thing, he looked over to Phantom and whispered, “Where do I find Google?”

The room erupted in laughter.

“Moron,” Player grumbled, taking his computer back.

“Okay, the mother only had two sisters, and both are still in India. The father, Henry Nicholas, had a sister, but she died in childbirth back in 2009.” Phantom grinned, shaking her head typing more. Then she suddenly stopped. She looked up at me, then reached for the remote for the television, turning it on. Instantly the screen appeared with a pretty woman. “Margaret Nicholas, the only sister of Henry Nicholas. Married Samuel Peterson, June 9th, 2008. Died April 27th, 2009. The marriage was annulled shortly after when Samuel Patterson married his current wife Kathryn Cussler, the granddaughter of Joshua Cussler, the founder of the Disciples of the Word.”

And there it was. The vicious circle of lies and deceit. No matter how the world turned, I could always count on evil fuckers to stick together. Everything was intertwined, related, mixed in such a perverse way to hide the world's evils.

“There’s your link, Ghost,” Reaper said, leaning forward. “This is your show. What do you want to do?”

What did I want to do? Well, that was easy. I wanted to blow those bastards sky high. I tried to eradicate each and every perverted member. I wanted to eviscerate them like they did the women. I wanted to punish them for their sins and see how they liked it. I wanted to show them what actual hell felt like.
