Page 30 of Ghost

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“For it is better, if God should will it so, that you suffer for doing what is right rather than for doing what is wrong.”

“Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformedby the renewing of your mind so that you may discern what the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God is,” Balthazar said, walking in. “Seriously though, Ari, no one likes to clean, ever.”

I smiled up at him. He indeed was a handsome man. Tall, strong, and so very sure of himself. He knew what he was, where he belonged, and I wanted to be like that. As it was, I didn’t know how long they were going to let me stay. I worried that any minute, I would be asked to leave. Sitting next to me on the bed, he grinned. “Rumor has it; you’ve never read a book other than the bible.”

I nodded. “Yes, it’s true. I was taught from the bible. I learned to read and write from the good book. Is that not how you were taught?”

“Hell no,” Shamrock said, then immediately shut his mouth when Balthazar looked at him. “Sorry, I’ll go see what trouble Remi’s getting into.”

When he left, Balthazar took my hands in his. “Aariaani, I don’t want to do anything that you don’t want to do. I know what your life was like. I know that there will be many things that will be new to you. My advice, experience everything, then decide if you like it or not. This world is a big place with many things to learn. The only way you’re going to know is to learn and experience it all.”

“Will you be there with me?”

“Sometimes, if you want me. But other times, you will have to learn on your own.”

“I don’t know what to do. Tell me what to do.”

“I can’t do that. This is your choice. Your decision.”

So much was different. Nothing was the same. There was so much to learn, to accept, to think about. It was overwhelming. My whole life was no longer as I remembered. Everything I knew was not enough. I wasn’t in the community anymore. I didn’t have the security of the church around me. I didn’t have my duties, my studies, men to cook for, to wait on.

I was free.

Looking up at Balthazar, I whispered, “I like cooking.”

“Did you do it because you were told or because you enjoyed creating something?”

That was a good question.

Thinking on it, I thought about all the times I was in the kitchen, cooking and preparing meals. I knew I like creating new dishes, trying fresh spices, or mixing different ingredients that usually wouldn’t go together. I would spend hours in the kitchen, trying new recipes and getting upset when they didn’t work out, but I never gave up until I had it right. Yes, cooking I enjoyed. I loved creating something new.

“I like cooking.”

“Like or love?”

Smiling, “I love cooking. I love making meals from scratch, creating new dishes, mixing ingredients, and watching everything come together. I love the smell of something new, tasting something different. I love cooking.”

Balthazar grinned. “See, that wasn’t so hard, and you realized the first thing that makes you, you. I will make sure the kitchen is fully stocked, and I will introduce you to Patty. She owns the diner in town and loves to cook too. Though, I think she loves to bake more.”

“What is a diner?”

“A diner is a building where people go to eat.”

“Like a cafeteria?”

“Kind of, only people pay for what they eat at a diner.”

“Oh, I’ve never had to deal with money. I remember my Uncle speaking to the men about such matters, and when I asked, I was told it did not concern me.”

“Don’t worry Ari. I know everything seems overwhelming, but in time, you will see there is a whole new world out there, with lots of people who are eager to help.”

A loud commotion was heard, interrupting us as several men and Remi came barreling into the room.

“Set it up right there, Ink,” Remi ordered, holding several things in her hands as a muscular man covered in tattoos carried a large flat metal thing.

“I knew Healer should have installed a TV down here, but he wouldn’t listen.”

“Quit complaining and just get it done,” Remi said, rolling her eyes. “Sham, get the popcorn and soft drinks. Chisel, go wheel Gadget in here, so he can watch too.”
