Page 58 of Ghost

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She was mine, now.

Mine forever.

The time for teasing was over. I lined my cock up and thrust it deep inside her in one profoundly satisfying stroke. I had wanted to slowly take her, one inch at a time, but my desire was stronger than ever and had gotten the better of me.

Her pussy felt so good. Hot, wet, and deliciously tight. Along with the beautiful moans that escaped her lips, it was almost enough to make me cum, there and then. I slowed down, wanting to savor ever moment with her. I pulled back all the way, leaving just the head of my cock inside her, and paused a heartbeat before sliding back inside her. I took my time over each long, full, and slow thrust. I felt her fingers brush lightly against my balls, and I knew she was rubbing her clit.

It was really sexy, looking down and seeing my cock sliding in and out of her. I moved my hands from her hips and ran them up and down her back before gripping her hips again for a few harder thrusts. Oh, fuck, she felt like heaven, and her moans sounded like angels singing. I started rolling my hips a bit so that each thrust was at a slightly different angle as I hit the side, top, and bottom of her pussy.

“Oh yes,” I heard, her voice muffled as her head was down against the bed.

Soon I could feel the pressure mount in her pussy as her release started to mount up. Her moans were getting louder. I raised one knee and planted my foot by her side and thrust deeper still inside her. Then I slowed again. All the way out and all the way in. I wanted to prolong her pleasure. I could hear that she was getting really close. I sped up again, and her moans matched each quickening thrust.

Her orgasm hit her hard as she screamed out, her body shaking violently. I thrust as hard and fast as I could. There was no need to hold back now. I knew it didn’t matter if I came. I wet my thumb in my mouth, pressed it against her ass, and then pushed it in. Watching as it added to her orgasm, her pussy clamped hard around my cock. I managed a couple more thrusts, and then my cock stiffened and swelled inside her before exploding my hot seed deep. I groaned loudly with my release. Both of us stayed perfectly still as we panted, coming back down to earth. I leaned forward and kissed her shoulders again.

I collapse onto the bed next, knowing that was only the beginning. Because the fire still burned hot between us.

“Balthazar? Is everything okay?” she asked, trying to cover her yawn, but all I saw was how her breast moved up and her pink nipples tighten. My mouth watered just looking at them. She had amazing tits. I could suck on them forever. Fuck, just thinking about how responsive she would be, was starting to make my dick hard.

Shaking the dirty thoughts from my brain, I leaned over and lightly kissed her forehead. “Yeah, baby. Go back to sleep. I’m gonna go see the guys.”

“Okay,” she whispered, rolling back over. I must have worn her out because she was back asleep instantly. Covering her up, I left the room and headed back downstairs. I needed answers, and I knew just where to find them.

I didn’t bother knocking this time when I entered, only this time I found the room full of familiar faces. That stopped me dead in my tracks. I only remembered Reaper here earlier. Now, some of my brothers sat with him along with several of the Tennessee Chapter. I didn’t know what the fuck was going on, but I knew them being here wasn’t good.

Ari and I were supposed to be lying low. Hiding from the shitstorm that was falling around us. What could have happened since we left Denver.

When I closed the door behind me, I nodded to Massacre, Viper, and Chaos, who sat grinning at me like idiots. Of course, Reaper told them. Fucker couldn’t keep a damn secret to save his life. Taking a seat at the table, I waited for anyone to speak. When no one said a word, I began looking at the man at the head of the table. “Why didn’t you stop me?”

“Stop…the mighty Ghost?” He laughed boisterously. “Please, boy, I’ve lived a long time on this earth. I know when to butt in and when to keep my trap shut. When my woman gives methatlook, I shut it fast. You got a problem with how things went down. Take it up with her.”

“You could have stood up for Ari.”

“I did. I was right beside her when Preacher asked who gives this woman to be wed. It broke my heart to give that girl to you. She’s too good for you, and don’t ever let me hear that you made her cry cause I will cut your balls off. You hear me son?”

“I leave you alone for five days,” Reaper sighed, grinning. “Five mother fucking days, and you literally fall into another marriage. How in the hell do you do it, man? I mean, I don’t get it. Is it like a gift or something? Are you just drawn to them, or do they throw themselves at your feet?”

“They cry,” Massacre laughed. “Gets him every time.”

The room laughed.

“I was drunk.”

“That’s not an excuse, and you know it,” Reaper said, clearly shaking his head. “Well, what’s done is done. And though I think your fucking crazy, you couldn’t have married into a better family.”

“Excuse me?”

I knew last night was slowly coming back to me, but a lot of it was still fuzzy. I couldn’t have heard him correctly. Married into what family?

“My woman claimed Ari last night, making her a member of this chapter, and my daughter. My woman then bled for that girl, making Ari hers, forever. When you married Ari, you joined our two families forever. So, as I said a minute ago, you better treat my daughter right, or we can have that father-son-in-law talk now.”

I looked blankly at Moonshine as Massacre raised his hand and smiled. “I think he needs to hear it, now.”

“I agree,” Viper chimed in.

Moonshine shook his head, then looked at Reaper and asked. “I don’t know how you handle these boys.”

“It’s a gift,” Reaper muttered.
