Page 59 of Ghost

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Moonshine chuckled. “All fun aside, Ravage, I need you and a few of the boys to set the traps. Make sure Slaughter doesn’t go off the rails. We have company coming.”

“Viper, Massacre, Chaos go with them,” Reaper added.

When the room was just the three of us, I asked. “What happened?”

“What happened?” and just like that, the Reaper I knew well lost his shit. “Let me enlighten you, Casanova. It’s been a fucking crazy five days since you left. While you were fucking your way across the United States and getting married, all hell broke loose. Remember those fucking worms I mentioned to you back in Denver? Well, they came home to roost! I have so much shit I have to deal with and not enough fucking time. Instead of being home with my pregnant woman, I am riding all over the fucking country chasing your ass and doing damage control. But the main thing you need to know right now is that Matrix got word this morning that the fucking Collector is in town. Apparently, he’s here to pick up a very special package.”

I whispered. “Ari.”

“Bingo. That got me thinking. So, I asked myself, how in the hell could that fucking bastard know of your travel plans? Only four people knew you, me, Matrix, and Ari. So, answer me this. You want to know what I came up with?”

It was the only thing that made sense. Reaching for my phone, I placed it on the table and spoke. “My phone.”

“Damn, he’s smart,” Moonshine commented as Reaper stuck out his hand. I handed it over to him and said nothing as I watched Reaper remove the backing on my phone, and there it was.

A small tracker.

“Any idea who put is there?” Reaper asked, looking at the damn thing before Moonshine picked up his gavel and smashed it to pieces.

“Everyone had access to it, boss. I don’t hide anything.”

“Well, I highly doubt my woman or my perfect niece had to do anything with it. So that leaves everyone else.”

“Have you heard from Grimm?”

“Nope, can’t find the mute fucker. He disappeared right after you and Ari left. Any idea where he’d run off too?”

Shaking my head, I had no clue. The only place that came to mind was our getaway cabin up in the mountains. We went there sometimes to clear our minds. “The cabin, maybe?”

Nodding, Reaper said. “I’ll have a few boys check it out. Look, I know you're still hungover in all, but I need you to get your head on straight. We’ve got a meet tonight, and I need you beside me.”

“Who with?”

“The Black Vultures,” Reaper grinned evilly. I knew that look. Bossman wanted blood, and he wasn’t going to be happy until he got it. I didn’t know what the Vultures had done to incur Reaper’s wrath, but they were dead souls walking. “I have a score to settle with one of their members.”

“Do I even want to know?”

“Nope, but Moonshine and a few of the Tennessee boys will be riding with us. Apparently, blood runs deep in this area.”

“Got that fuckin right,” Moonshine nodded. “Now, you go make sure my daughter has breakfast and checks in with her momma. Roxy wants to take Ari shopping today. I need to talk to Reaper, alone.”

Nodding, I got up to leave and had almost closed the door when I heard Moonshine asked, “Where exactly is my nephew?”



The mist was slowly rolled along the ground as it covered the area in a blanket, hiding the ground underneath. The air had a crisp bite to the night as clouds blocked out the moonlight making the forest darker, more challenging to see. The wind howled through the trees as birds took flight.

Something was coming.

Looking around, I could tell why the Vultures chose this area to meet. It was the perfect killing ground. The men around me got into position, waiting for anything to happen as Reaper and Moonshine stood in the small clearing, waiting.

I hated having Reaper out in the open like that with no protection, but the fucker insisted. He only wanted Moonshine next to him. Something about personal business. What business it was, I still didn’t know, nor did I care. What I did care about was the danger my president had put himself in.

“This sucks,” Massacre whispered from up a tree near me.

Nodding, I couldn’t agree more. This did suck.
