Page 61 of Ghost

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I had just sat down on one of the many couches in the club’s main room when Reaper walked in with Moonshine. “Ghost, church now.”

Moving Ari, I quickly kissed her forehead, “I’ll be right back, baby. Go sit with Roxy.”

The room was packed as I was the last one to enter, closing the door behind me. I found an empty seat next to Reaper and sat as the night’s activities started to wear on me. Some of the brothers looked dead on their feet as adrenaline began to wear off, while others just looked tired. We all felt like shit and wanted to relax.

“Before ya’ll go get drunk and find a warm pussy, we need to finish what we started tonight. Reaper?”

Reaper stood, “A few of you boys know the reason for tonight’s activities. I need you to keep that information on the down-low as new details are still emerging. What all of you need to know is that tonight was just the beginning. Trouble is on the horizon, and though I didn’t plan on bringing this chapter into this mess, Moonshine, it’s now inevitable. You learned that tonight.

“The biggest threat is a man called the Collector. He traffics men, women, and children: all races, all ages. The man is still an enigma, and there has been no identification on him. All we know is he is highly motivated and financially backed by several people around the world. He can slip in and out of a country without anyone knowing he was there. He’s cunning, meticulous and I want that fucker’s soul. He’s mine.

“Then there is a fucking cult, the Disciples of the Word. They held and manipulated Ari for years. She did Ghost a solid, and we got her out. They sold Ari to the Collector, but for some reason, they now want her back. I’ve had the California club looking into these bastards for a while now, and though we have some information on them, it’s not enough. We still don’t know who the major players are, we don’t know who holds the purse strings, and we don’t know how the two are connected.”

“Ravage, go get Sypher,” Moonshine said as Ravage stood and left the room. “We’ve got a shit storm coming, and I want this place secured within the week. In the meantime, we work in conjunction with the California chapter. Reaper gives an order. You jump. I give an order, you jump. Any fucker not pulling their weight or disobeys a Prez will be introduced to Bertha. Got me?”

All of the men nodded or said yes. While I wasn’t sure who or what Bertha was, I agreed as well.

“Ghost, you and Massacre will be staying here with Moonshine. Both of you will liaise with him. I need to head back to California in a few days because Remi is on another tare and threatening to burn down the fucking clubhouse if I don’t get my ass back soon.”

I chuckled as the door opened, and in walked one of the palest men I’d ever seen in my life, carrying a laptop. He was damn near white as a sheet, with spikey jet-black hair. His face was pierced in several places, and the red-colored contacts he was wearing made him look like a fucking vampire.

“Damn it boy,” Moonshine growled. “I told you to stop wearing those stupid fucking things. You’re gonna go blind wearing that shit.”

“Sorry dad. Forgot they were in.” the young man said and quickly took them out. Men groaned while others looked away. When he was done, he walked over to the wall, and placed his laptop on a small ledge, and typed something into it. “Okay, you’re connected. Go ahead Matrix.”

Instantly, Matrix’s voice filled the room. “Boss, I dug into that cult-like you asked, and though they were just your run-of-the-mill cult, they have expanded their minds, so to speak. I found a money trail to the Ting-Ma Triad in China and a trail to the Rossi Family, which is in deep with the Gregor Bratva Family. All three have ties to the Collector, yet they don’t work in conjunction with him.”

“Is that Reaper?”

“Woman, if you don’t shut up, I will gag you.”

“Don’t you threaten me, you hermit.”

“I could kill you right now, and no one would know.”

“Bring it bitch.”

“Both of you, shut the fuck up!” Reaper roared, then whispered. “They’re like fucking Player and Massacre. I can’t catch a fucking break.”

“We ain’t that bad boss,” Massacre piped up. “I haven’t wanted to kill Reginald in years.”

“That’s because your ass wasn’t home,” I deadpanned.

“And who’s fault was that?” Massacre asked.

Sighing, I looked at Reaper, who was ready to blow another fuse. He glared at me as I said, “Sorry, boss.”

“Continue Matrix.”

“Okay, the three Amigos may not work directly with the Collector, but they do provide transportation at an inflated price. Now, I can dig into each group if you want, but that’s gonna take more time.”

“What about the cult?”

“Now, they’re different. Phantom did indeed find the bill of sale regarding Ari. She pulled a cool mil on the open market.”

Moonshine cursed. “Fucking bastards.”

“We do know why the Collector himself bought her, but for some reason, he isn’t in a hurry to collect, and so far, no money has changed hands. Because of that, the cult now wants to cancel the sale. They want her back and are actively searching for her. They currently have five men scouting the California compound as we speak. They’re not very stealthy either, and they are leaving a big footprint for anyone to find.”
