Page 70 of Ghost

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I looked at Massacre, and he nodded before running up the stairs. I followed, walking to my room. Closing the door behind me, I walked over to my bag, picked it up, and placed it on the bed. Everything I needed was in here. I brought it with me just in case. Reaching inside, I grabbed my guns and secured them to my holster I had sewn into the lining of my cut. I attached my leg straps and added two more guns, ready for use. Then I grabbed my knife slid it into its sheath on my hip. Turing, I left the room to find Massacre loaded down for war. I didn’t say anything as I walked past him and out of the clubhouse. I got on my bike and pulled out of the drive, leaving rocks and dust behind me.

Whoever took Ari really fucked up big time.

They didn’t know what they just unleashed.

A monster was coming for them, and it was hungry for blood.

Nothing would save them.

It was killing time.



I didn’t know where I was going, and I didn’t care. She was out there somewhere, and I knew who took her. All I had to do was find the bastard, kill him, and I would get her back. I don’t know how they found her, but they did. Now, I just had to find out where they were hiding and when I did, I was going to bring the fires of hell with me. I planned on sending every one of those motherfuckers straight to hell where they belonged. They just fucked with the wrong woman.

She was my woman.

My wife.

Mine to protect, and if it was the last thing I did on earth, I would make sure Ari was safe once again.

Pulling into a small café a few miles from the clubhouse, I turned off my engine before getting off my bike. I watched as Massacre and Ravage pulled in behind me. Reaching for my phone, I called the only person I could think of.


“Where is Samuel Paterson, right now?”

“Give me a minute,” Phantom said as I heard her typing away. Turning to Ravage, I asked. “What are you doing here?”

“You might need my help.”

“Found him. He’s at a conference for the Fundamentals of Christian Theology in Chicago, Illinois. Why?”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m watching him giving a speech right now on CSPAN. What’s going on?”

“Ari is missing.”

“Fuck…okay,” she cursed. “Hang on.”

“Ghost? It’s Matrix. Phantom just patched me in. She’s running the command center until I return. Kid, you there?”

“I’m here, sir,” I heard Sypher shyly replied. God, that kid really needed to get some self-esteem. He was brilliant. We all knew it. He just needed to believe in himself.

“Okay,” Phantom said, “Matrix has been running geo-tags on all major players. As of right now, everyone is nowhere near your location, Ghost. If she was taken, it wasn’t by someone on our list.”

“I agree,” Sypher said, “I checked the cameras around the clubhouse. None of them picked anything up. I did see Ari in the backyard, and something did catch her attention. She went past the tree line and never came back out. A few minutes later, I saw Bullseye crawl out before he was found by Massacre.”

“Bullseye’s hurt?” Phantom and Matrix asked.

“Later,” I said quickly before this conversation got off track. My woman was out there, and I needed everyone to concentrate. “What about anyone else? Anyone related to her? Her aunts in India, her dad, anyone?”

“Aunts are still in India, and as for her dad, he hasn’t been seen since Grimm beat the shit out of him.”

“Any word on Grimm?”
