Page 9 of Ghost

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Making my way closer, Savage and Viper looked my way but said nothing. I could see the fucker more clearly as sweat began to bead on his forehead.

Yeah, mother fucker, you’re a walking dead soul, and you know it.

“Got a lot of nerve showing up here, Denton,” I whispered as I looked forward towards the service.

“I wanted to pay my respects.”

“Send flowers.”

The man turned to me and grinned, “How’s your back?”

I growled and got in the man’s face, halting the service. “You did this to me?”

Denton shook his head. “Not me. Someone else. Best behave, Ghost, we’re watching you. Now, where is my granddaughter?”

I didn’t have to say a word, knowing the instant he said what he did that Grimm and Shadow had left to protect their niece. No one was going to go near my daughter and live. And this motherfucker was about to breathe his last breath.

“I’m going to kill you.”

“Do you know who you are talking to?”

“Yeah, a dead soul walking,” I replied, then turned away, leaving the service as everyone looked on. Vicious and Phantom at my back. The need to see my daughter overrode anything I wanted to do to Denton. I knew I should have beat the information out of him, but my daughter came first. Always would.

The second I reached the clubhouse, I raced upstairs with Vicious following. Running down the long hallway, I pushed open my bedroom door to find my brothers along with Patty on the floor playing with Becca. The second my daughter saw me, she smiled and said, “Hi, daddy.”

“Hi angel,” I sighed and sat down on the bed. “What are you playing?”

“Go Fish.”

“Are you winning?”

“No, Uncle Grimm is.”

I looked at my brother, who blushed. I scowled threateningly. “Maybe he will let you win.”

“That’s cheating, daddy.”

“Kid knows the rules,” Vicious muttered, earning a look from me, which sobered him instantly. Turning back to my daughter, I said, “How about we table this game for later, pumpkin. I’ve got some place I want to take you.”


“A beautiful cabin in the woods. There are lots of trees and a brand-new playground that your uncles built for you. Oh, and there is a swimming pool too.”

“Uh, Ghost, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Vicious said carefully. “She is safer here, with all of us.”

“She’s safest with me,” I turned to look at him. “What would you know about having a daughter? Protecting her?”

Vicious eyes clouded over, darkened as if a storm was brewing in them. “More than you’d know. You aren’t thinking clearly. You can’t be with her twenty-four hours a day. You just can’t. Here, there will always be someone with her.”

“He’s right, Ghost,” Patty added. “Until you can devote the time needed to raising her, Rebekah needs to stay here.”

Shadow looked at me and softly shook his head no. I knew what he was trying to say. I just wasn’t ready to do anything about it yet. I had a plan, and I needed to stick to it. The fewer people who knew, the better. In time, the truth would come out.

Saying nothing more, I left the room and walked downstairs to see Savage and Healer holding Reaper back from killing Denton. How that mother fucker got in the clubhouse was a shock to me, which I would rectify later. As for Denton, well, they could let Reaper have at him. The man needed his soul reaped anyway. Why waste the opportunity.

Taking a seat at the bar next to Chains, I grabbed a bottle of Jack and took a long swallow.

“Aren’t you gonna stop the boss?”
