Page 90 of Ghost

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“Aw sugar, I didn’t know ya you’d miss us.”

“I won’t.”

“Come on, I bet you’re anxious to get reacquainted with Grimm.”

I wouldn’t say that exactly, but he was much better than the assholes I’d been with. Though I wasn’t happy about being traded, knowing another woman’s life would be dreadful, there was nothing I could do to stop it. Jekyll absolutely hated me, and the feeling was mutual. I couldn’t wait to get away from him.

A short drive down a long road, the vehicle stopped next to an old house in shambles. There was something about the place that sent chills down my spine. I’d seen it before but couldn’t place it. Yet when I saw Grimm walk out of the house with the woman I’d seen at the airport, that guilt I felt earlier came back in full force. She’d been through so much already, and now her life was about to get ten times harder.

“Get your fucking hands off me, you pervert!” she shouted at Grimm as he dragged her towards Jekyll. The man was seriously twisted and not right in the head. All he could do was stare blatantly at her with lust in his eyes as he rubbed his crotch. “My brother is going to put a bullet in your fucking heads when he finds you!”

“Tell him to bring friends,” Grimm sighed, throwing her at Jekyll. The man wasted no time, picking her up and walking away. He turned to me and grinned so evilly my whole body shook with fear. “Hello, Ari.”

I gulped, lightly shaking my head. This was not the man I remembered. Though he wasn’t nice before, something about him changed. Something evil dwelled deep within him, and the second he touched me, I screamed as I tried to fight him.

“Hot damn, kitten grew claws,” he laughed, dragging me into the old house, shutting the door behind us.

The second we were alone, Grimm grabbed me by my hair and dragged me towards a room down the hall. He kicked open the door and threw me inside. I looked around the room and instantly vomited. Over in the corner, lying on the floor, was a woman similar to me, only she wasn’t moving. At all. Her eyes were wide open, staring blankly at the ceiling. Her chest wasn’t moving, and from the way she lay at such an odd angle, I knew she was dead.

Next to her was another woman, crying, trying to hide from the monster behind me.

“Sarah, meet Ari. Your new roommate.” The bastard said, laughing. “I’ll be back in a few minutes for you, Ari. I’ve been waiting on you for a while now.”

Closing the door behind him, I ran over to the other woman, who cowered away from me. “Are you okay?”

Of course, she wasn’t okay. I knew she wasn’t. I had to be blind to see that she wasn’t okay. Her body was marked and bruised all over. She was naked and shivering. “My name is Ari.”

“Sarah,” she barely whispered.

“It’s going to be okay.”

“No, it’s not. He is going to kill me like he did, Amy.”

Wrapping my arms around her, I tried to soothe her fears, but I couldn’t. Seeing Amy lying there like some discarded rag, I knew Sarah was telling me the truth.

We were not getting out of this house alive.



Entering the house, a man I’d never seen and didn’t give a damn about stood just as I put a bullet in his head. Another came out of the kitchen but was quickly taken out by Chains, who came up behind him. From the back door, Savage dragged Jeffery Darden inside by the neck and lifted him off his feet. “Lookie, what I found out back. Hello, you piece of shit.”

Then there was only Malachi, who was holding Ari to him, a gun pointed at my head. “Hey, brother. Miss me?” he asked, tightening his grip on my woman’s neck as he began to slowly suffocate her. Her eyes pleaded with me to do anything, but she was in the way. I couldn’t take my shot without hitting her.

“Let her go,” I growled, pointing my gun at him.

“She’s got a sweet pussy, brother. So tight. And her ass,” he sneered, licking the side of her face. “Mmm…I could fuck that hole forever.”

I looked at Ari, tears falling down her face as she tried to breathe. Her face was red, and her lips were starting to turn blue. I needed to do something fast before she lost consciousness.

“Malachi, don’t do this. She didn’t do anything.”

“You ruined everything!” my brother shouted, holding her tighter.

From the back of the house, I could see Reaper and Player making their way silently. I wished they would hurry up. I didn’t know how much more Ari could take.

“Why did you come back!”
