Page 98 of Ghost

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“And Mary? She hadn’t even hit puberty yet!”


Blood flew across the room as Malachi grinned. “She was sweet too.”

Moving fast, I pushed Shadow to the side as my fist collided with Malachi’s jaw. I heard the crunch, and when he spit, I saw a few teeth on the cement floor. “You sick fuck.”

“Ah, there’s big brother.” He laughed. “Where ya been? Zeke still hits like a girl.”

“I’m going to kill you!” Shadow charged. Grabbing him, it took all I had to hold Ezekiel back from doing just that.

I couldn’t believe the man before me. He was not my brother. Everything about him was different. The brother I remembered was kind, quiet, and loyal. Not this man. I saw nothing in his eyes that reminded me of the young boy who followed me around all the time. All that hung in the middle of the shed was a man filled with hate, perversion, and wickedness. There was no kindness, just the filth that spewed from his lips.

“Maybe I should have taken you, little brother. I like it when my prey fights me.”

Keeping a tight hold on Shadow, I dragged him from the shed because I knew Ezekiel would have killed him right then and there. Once outside, I slammed the door shut.

“Stay out of that room until Reaper gets back. Do you hear me, Zeke? I mean it.”

“That is not Malachi in there, Balthazar. He’s crazy. Like certifiable, stick his ass in a looney-bin, fucked up crazy,” my brother replied, taking a deep breath. “What the fuck happened to him?”

“I don’t know,” I said, agreeing. That was definitely not the brother either of us remembered. I didn’t recognize the man at all. “But I meant what I said. He’s not in his right mind. Stay away. When Healer feels better, I’m going to have him check Malachi out.”

“What’s wrong with Healer?”

I grinned. “Healer was being his wonderful cheerful self, and Roxy took him down a peg. Punched him in the face and broke his nose.”

“Damn,” Shadow chuckled, sitting on the grass. “I would have loved to see that. How are you holding up?”

“I’m not. I’m barely hanging on by a thread. When I heard Malachi hitting her, I lost it. I can’t get what I saw out of my mind. I’m afraid this is all a dream, and when I wake up, she’s still going to be dead.”

“I get it,” He whispered. “It’s like one of those fucked up rollercoasters. Just when you think it’s over, it swerves and plunges. I hate those rides. With everything going on in the club these past months, I feel as if the shit storm has just begun. Too many people are involved, too many moving parts. I think we need to keep everyone close.”

Nodding, I agreed with him. He was right. With the Collector, the club, and everyone in-between, we had no clue who was friend or foe. We needed to catch a break and soon. We were all spread too thin, and I didn’t like it. There was no way to protect the club or the family adequately. Looking around the area, I could see too many open vantage points. Anyone could take a shot and end anyone of us at any minute.

“Where’s Shamrock?”

“With Remi, why?”

“We need to keep the women closer. I think, for the time being, everyone needs to be at the clubhouse. Where’s Kitty and the baby?”

“Savage is with her at her house.”

“I need to get back inside. I don’t like being away from Ari.”

“You go ahead. I’m gonna stay out here for a while.”

“Don’t go back in there, Zeke. Leave him until Reaper gets back.”

He nodded and looked away. Leaving Zeke to his thoughts, I headed back into the clubhouse and headed upstairs to find my bed empty. Instantly my heart started to pound in my chest. The air felt as if it was sucked out of the room as my worst fears came alive.


I wasn’t dreaming.

I couldn’t have been.

She was here. I felt her. I know I did.

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