Page 10 of Bullseye

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“That’s what you’re sticking with?”

“Yep,” I said, popping the ‘P’ before taking a drink of my coffee.

“Kitty,” Reaper sighed, frustrated. If I could grin and get away with it, I would. It was always funny watching Reaper as he tried to put two and two together, but he never could until the writing was on the wall. It must have been genetic because his father wasn’t good at it either, and when he finally figured it out, it cost him his life. “You know there is shit going on in the club.”

“Yep, human trafficking, drugs, FBI, Homeland, a nasty cult, then there’s the sadistic bastard still on the loose itching for Remi. Which one, in particular, are you talking about?”

“Fuck, what else do you know?”

“Nothing,” I lied and then added. “FYI, don’t be like your dad, Max. You really should be careful what you say in the open. Anyone could hear.”

“I’ll remember that next time.”

“Is that all?”

“No,” he groaned. Rolling my eyes, I took another drink of my coffee, enjoying the heat as it went down. I could tell he wanted to ask me something else, but he was trying to figure out a way to bring it up without giving too much away. If he continued, he was going to give himself a brain aneurism. Sighing, I decided to put him out of his misery.

“What? Just ask.”

“Kitty, I really need you to dip into that fucking vault of yours and tell me about this picture.”

“I don’t know anything.” I lied.

There were a great many things I knew about the club. He was right on that accord, but there was no way in hell I was going to give him the information he was asking for. He would go ballistic and kill everyone involved. Nope, not on my watch. He was going to have to figure this mess out on his own. He was not getting a free pass this time. His grandfather and father stepped into a dirty pool. That was their mistake. Reaper’s mistake was he was too slow to act. He could have adverted all of this in the beginning when he took over. Instead, he waited, and now it would cost him. What I did know, and I wasn’t psychic by any means, but the wheels on the bus were spinning fast, and buses didn’t stop on a dime.

“Okay then,” Reaper said, getting to his feet. The next thing I knew, Smoke, Viper, and Massacre walked into my kitchen with Healer holding Hailey in his arms. Jumping to my feet, I rushed to take Hailey away from Healer when Reaper grabbed me from behind. Struggling, I couldn’t break his hold.

“What the fuck are you doing!” I screamed, making Hailey instantly cry. “Give me my baby!”

“I will, as soon as Healer swabs her cheek,” Reaper angrily said, holding me tighter.

“You mother fucker! You don’t have any right! I will kill you all if you touch her!”

“I won’t touch her if you tell me the truth,” Reaper replied, yanking my arms behind me, turning me to face him. “Who is the boy and girl with my pops!”

“I don’t know!”

“Healer, swab the kid’s cheek!”

“NO!” I screamed as my brother Savage appeared out of nowhere.

“What the fuck is going on?” He roared. “Reaper, let my sister go now!”

“In a minute, Savage. Kitty needs to tell me something, don’t you, sweetheart.” The mother fucker grinned evilly.

I really hated him.

Hated him!

“Fuck off!” I shouted, fighting him, but he was too strong. I couldn’t break his hold. Struggling, I watched as Healer handed Hailey over to Massacre and pulled out a plastic tube with a cotton swab in it. “Please, don’t do this! I’m begging you!”

“Then who are the boy and little girl with my pops.”

FUCK! I knew this rotten bastard wouldn’t play nice. He never did. If he wanted something, he took it, and he never gave a fuck about anyone. He was just like his father, rotten to the core!

My mind raced with implications. If I told him, Dylan would be in danger. Hell, I would be in trouble. We’d come this far, and I wasn’t going to let fucking Reaper destroy everything. I couldn’t.

“Please help me, Lucas! I’m begging you!”
