Page 26 of Bullseye

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“I need to say something, and I need you to listen.”

“And I need to win the lottery, but that’s never gonna happen,” I said, reaching for a pack of smokes I left on the countertop.

I had to give it to her. The bitch had balls. She had a lot of nerve waltzing into my house, knowing damn well how I felt about her.

There wasn’t a single childhood memory I had that didn’t have this bitch causing me trouble. I wish I could say it was me personally she didn’t like, but it wasn’t. She hated my mother. Therefore she hated me by default. Maybe it was because I was so outspoken. Perhaps it was because I didn’t take any of her shit, but it was more than likely that I was the spitting image of my mother…her husband’s lover.

Yep, that’s right. My mother wasn’t a saint by any means, but she raised me and my brother the best she could after our father died on a run when I was seven.

One day my dad was laughing. The next, he was dead.

The club rallied around my mom, making sure that she never wanted for anything, and I mean anything. But when Pop’s started coming around, it didn’t take a genius to figure out why. Of course, my suspicions were confirmed when I spotted him coming out of my mom’s room one morning with a big ass grin on his face.

God, all men were alike.

Sighing, I lit my cigarette, inhaled a long drag, and slowly blew out the smoke from my lungs. I had a feeling this wasn’t going to be a social visit. There was nothing this bitch could say to hurt me. Though I had to admit, I was curious as to why she broke into my home.

Caroline Doherty was nothing more than a simple whore. I’d heard all the stories and seen a lot of shit for myself regarding the holier than thou Caroline Doherty. From the moment she walked into the Golden Skulls clubhouse and fucked her way to the top, she portrayed herself as the prim and proper wife of the deceased club’s Prez and the doting mother of Reaper and Mia but I knew better.

I saw this bitch for who she indeed was.

She was nothing more than a manipulative gold-digging whore.

“Kitty,” Caroline ignored my comment and continued. “I need you to be nice and keep your mouth shut.”

“And I need you to get the fuck out of my house.”

“I’m serious, Katherine Jane. Max has enough on his plate. He doesn’t need anything more.”

“That’s not for you to decide and call me that name one more time bitch, and you’re gonna see how nice I can really be.”

Caroline nodded, then sighed.

Yeah, this bitch was a real piece of work. My mother may have ended up a club whore, but at least she didn’t put on airs and try to be someone she wasn’t. Nope, my mom was honest to a fault. The bitch sitting at my kitchen table was nothing more than a cut-slut who opened her legs for any man with a dick.

“What’s the matter, Caroline? Worried Reaper’s gonna figure out all your little secrets?” I grinned as she paled.

Yeah, that was another thing.

I knew everything about Caroline Marie Doherty.

Thanks to Pop’s and his big mouth. That fucker never could keep anything from my mom. They would talk for hours and fucked even longer. “Why should I help you? You’ve been nothing but a thorn in my side from the beginning. Always thinking you were better than everyone, just because your old man was the Prez. Though he wasn’t supposed to be, was he? But you fixed that problem, didn’t you?”

Her face reddened. “Listen, I know you don’t like me, and the feeling is mutual. Just keep your fucking mouth shut, okay?”

“Or what?” I asked, leaning against the kitchen counter. Caroline Doherty was a piece of work. A grade a liar and a whore. I know how she got Pop’s to marry her. Though I would never understand how he fell for it. But what was done was done. However, I wasn’t going to stand here, in my own kitchen, and listen to this bitch anymore. “You know what, Caroline, I hope the truth does come out, then your son will really know what a fucking bitch you really are. I hope when he learns the truth, he fucking banishes you.”

“He won’t banish me.”

“You know. I think your right for once,” I said before taking another drag. When I exhaled, I smiled. “He isn’t going to banish you…he’s going to reap your fucking soul.”

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