Page 10 of Savage

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I prayed she didn’t. She was finally at peace. I flat out refused to disturb her peace but I knew they would have to look. I just couldn’t be a part of that. I wanted to be gone if and when it happened.

Reaper growled, getting both our attention. Phantom sighed, then said, “Reaper, there is a small chance that Kitty imbedded the information we need under her skin and covered it up with a tattoo. She told me her father used to do similar shit when he went on runs for your dad. Only he would sew an SD card into the lining of the Golden Skulls patch on the back of a cut. That’s how we found the files Nitro had. The people who killed him, tore his house apart but found nothing and left him for dead. That’s when Kitty remembered what her dad did and how we found the files. If Kitty took a page out of her dad’s book, that’s where she would hide the information. Since she was never a member of the club, she would only have her body. It’s a long shot but it’s all we got.”

“Wait a minute,” Reaper said, holding up his hand, taking a deep breath. “You mean to tell me that there is a slim chance that Kitty imbedded something under her skin and the only way to get that information is too…”

“Exhume her body,” I said, closing my eyes. Yeah, those were words I never fucking thought I’d ever say. This was my sister we were talking about. She was finally at peace and I didn’t even want to think about this shit. At all.

“Holy fuck,” Vicious groaned.

“No,” several brothers said, shaking their heads.

“Reaper, you can’t be seriously considering this,” Ghost asked. “We gave her a Golden Funeral. Those are sacred. We don’t desecrate Golden graves. Bullseye already has us marked. If we do this, we may as well just pull the triggers ourselves.”

“What do you want me to do Ghost? I know it’s fucked up and I hate even thinking about doing it but if she has the information on her, what choice do we have?”

“We leave her in peace. We find another way!” Ghost shouted back.

Phantom got to her feet halting all arguments. “Let me make a call. Just give me five minutes,” she said, leaving church with her phone in her hand.

“This is bullshit,” Chaos muttered.

“It’s fucked up, that’s what it is,” Massacre added.

Nobody said another word as we all waited for Phantom to return and when she did, she simply said, “No tattoos.”

Everyone collectively sighed in relief.

“Fuck, guess we’re back at square one, then,” Player stated.

“Unless we’re looking on the wrong body?” I whispered, looking directly at Reaper who was looking directly at Phantom.
