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I cradled his son closer to me as I walked over to the rocking chair in the corner and sat. “I’m positive. Now get.”

He truly was a beautiful baby.

A big boy but cute as a button.

“I’m heading upstairs,” Healer said, getting to his feet. “You okay down here?”

“Yep,” I grinned, looking at little man then up at Healer and saying, “I’ve got a good-looking man in my arms. What more can I need?”

Healer shook his head and left.

Rocking Reaper’s son, I felt content as my world faded to just the two of us. “You are going to be a heartbreaker aren’t you? You are going to have all the girls falling at your feet. Do me a favor and don’t let it go to your head. Women don’t like that.”

Little man yawned.

“I’m gonna let you in on a secret. You can’t tell anyone okay?” I said, looking around the room to make sure I was alone. Seeing that I was, I looked back at the baby and said, “Girls don’t want wine and roses. Chocolate isn’t bad, but we really want a man who can dance. You master that and you will have all the girls you can handle. You see we love dancing. And to make it sweeter, we want to dance with someone we love.”

His sky-blue eyes were focused on me, listening attentively. “I know it sounds ludicrous but it’s true. Dancing with a woman who loves you, wants you and only you is the best feeling in the world. You see most men don’t like to dance. They think it makes them weak. But it doesn’t. It takes a strong man to stand up in front of his buddies and dance with his woman. When you fall in love and find that special girl, dance with her. Show her how much you love her.

“And do you know what the best music to dance to is? Eighties music. It’s the best. A lot of people think eighties music is overrated but it isn’t. There is just something about that era of music. It’s happy, fun, energetic, uplifting. One of my favorite songs is the best song to dance too. Wanna hear it?”

His little face smirked. Looking around the room again, I took a deep breath. “Okay, only for you little man.”

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