Page 61 of Savage

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“Stop this,” I whispered.

“The tattoo.”

Yet, I couldn’t bring myself to give Reaper what he wanted. There had to be another way to stop this. Anything but that.

“I can’t. I made a promise.”


As the young bar owner walked forward, I braced myself for what was to come. I knew each brother had their own preferred method of inflicting pain. I didn’t know what they were but I was about to find out and when Chaos stepped before Savage, I watched as Savage shook his head, pleading with Chaos.

“Sorry man,” Chaos said, before he stepped back, turned quickly, swiftly kicking out towards Savages knee. The second I heard the bone pop out of joint I was out of my seat pushing Chaos out of the way. Kneeling before Savage, I stabilized his knee the best I could, knowing how much pain he was in. “Someone go get Healer!” I screamed, as Savage cried out.

But no one moved.

None of them.

Standing in front of Savage, I shouted. “Are you trying to kill him! He doesn’t deserve this. No one does. You are all fucking monsters! You call yourselves brothers? You’re not brothers. Brothers don’t do this to each other!”

“The tattoo.” Reaper said again.

Looking at all the men in the room, I knew they wouldn’t stop this madness until they got what they wanted. They didn’t care if they tore Savage apart piece by piece as long as they got what they wanted.

Searching the room, I saw a small table over in the corner.

Running to it, I picked up what I needed and turned to all of them.

Seeing what I held in my hand, they all stepped forward.

“Jess, put it down,” Reaper growled.

“Fuck you!” I cried, tears running down my face now. “You don’t care about anyone. Just your precious fucking club. She died because of you and now you are going to kill her brother. She was right about all of you.”

“Jessie, come on sweetheart, put the knife down,” Judge said, stepping further into the room.

“Nobody move!” I screamed, placing the tip of the knife against my tattoo, “How can you be this evil? He did nothing to deserve this.”

The sound of metal scraping metal captured my attention. Searching the faces before me, my eyes stopped when I saw Reaper walk forward, his blades in his hands. “Put the knife down or I will kill him.”

Ghost moved quickly to remove the duct tape from Savage’s mouth. “Jess, baby. Please don’t. I’m sorry. We can find another way. Please put the knife down.”

Shaking my head, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. The President of the Golden Skulls was willing to kill a loyal brother to get what he wanted. There was no talking to him. He would never understand what it truly meant to be brothers, to be a real family. He was everything she said he was and more. For a while I thought he was different. That he was truly trying to change things.

But a leopard couldn’t change his spots.

Once a killer. Always a killer.

Well, I’d be damned to hell before I let him get his hands on me.

I looked at Savage and whispered, “I’m sorry.”

“NO!” Savage screamed, bloody murder as I plunged the knife into my tattoo.
