Page 8 of Savage

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Ignoring her jabbering, I headed for church, knowing damn well she wouldn’t follow me. Not unless she wanted to get banished. Reaper was pretty ruthless when it came to a few things and cut sluts were never, under any circumstances to enter church. They were here for only one thing.

To service the brothers.

That’s it.

They knew the rules when they signed on.

I took a seat and waited until Ghost gathered up the rest of the men. It had been a while since I’d seen them and if I was being honest, I was nervous about it. I did leave them in a lurch when I took off without warning. Not even a note. Just hopped on my bike and rode off.

Now I was back and I was about to ask them for help.

Leaning forward, I placed my head in my hands, when the door opened. Slightly turning, I watched Reaper walk in, saying nothing when he spotted me. He just took his seat, picked up his gavel and started twirling it in his hands.

It didn’t take long for the rest of the brothers to join and when Reaper slammed his gavel down on the Golden Skulls table, church had been brought to order.

“So, Ghost. What’s on the agenda today?” Reaper asked.

“Other than you driving Remi nuts, nothing much. Massacres got a few cars he needs to finish up. Chaos needs help at the strip club. Big liquor delivery is coming in later today. Smoke needs a few brothers to help with a few houses that are almost finished, the new police chief wants to schedule a sit down when you have time and Player needs to leave at two today.”

“Why?” Reaper asked, looking at Player.

“Cat is ovulating. I need to make a deposit,” Player grinned, as some of the brothers laughed.

Reaper chuckled then said, “Got it. So, who is the new police chief?”

“The deputy got the job. A kid named Jason Seaver.”

“Names familiar.”

“Should be. He was Purgatory’s hero when the high school won the State Championship five years ago. Kid is a legend in these parts. He got a scholarship to USC and played until his senior year when he blew out his knee. Lost his chance at the Pro’s. So, he came home and worked under Conners, until you eviscerated the fucker.”

Reaper grinned. “That was fun too. Slimy bastard.”

“Anyway, the town didn’t want the hassle of a new election and offered the kid the job.”

“Will he be a problem?”

“Nope. His mom was Nitro’s baby sister. Kids been around the club enough to know the deal. You just need to sit down with him and whatnot.”

“Got it. Set it up after Remi drops my kid. Anything else?” Reaper asked turning to me. Waiting for me to say anything.

Nodding, I began, “I need help. I left to find the fucker who killed Kitty. I looked everywhere for him. Every lead was a dead-end. I know me leaving was a shit move but I needed to do something or I would have stayed drunk and eventually it would have killed me. Focusing on my sister’s killer was the motivation I needed to get my head straight. So, here I am. Asking my brothers and sister for help.”

“Well,” Phantom smirked. “As apologies go, that sucks.”

Everyone chuckled.

“Anyway, while you’ve been galivanting around doing absolutely nothing, I’ve been doing a search of my own. Since you left before telling anyone who it was that actually killed Kitty, I had to go about it the old-fashioned way.”

“It was Acid.” I stated firmly, balling my fist tightly.

“We know,” Phantom said softly. “I went back to the scene. He left his DNA and I ran it. His name popped instantly. He wasn’t alone either. I found three other DNA samples there. I am still running those.”

I didn’t care about the others. In time I would but right now I wanted Acid. He was the one who shot her in the head. He was the dead man walking and I would be the one to reap his soul. “Where is he?”

“That’s the million-dollar question. Because you are not the only one after him. Three days ago, someone posted a million-dollar bounty for any information regarding his whereabouts.”

“Who?” Reaper asked.

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