Page 10 of One Night by

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“That sounds like fun. Remember when we used to go on the weekends. Some of those cars were amazing.” I scoop some coleslaw and plop it on Jacob’s plate. He smiles, turns, grabs the mustard, and squeezes it onto my hotdog.

We enjoy dinner with the oldies rock station on, laughing and talking about old times when we were kids playing street hockey and taking family vacations down the shore. After helping mom clean up, Jacob insists we take advantage of the warm night air. “Leave your car here, and let’s take a ride.” Who am I to turn him down? It’s not like I have any other plans.

With the wind in my hair and the radio playing our favorite classics, we hit route eighty and took off to the west. It’s a smooth ride, with no traffic, and once we get up by exit nineteen, I know exactly where he is taking us.

“The gap?” I throw my hands up in the air and suck in the mountain air. It’s crazy how, only an hour away, things can be so different.

The sunset begins to set, and the dark sky takes form by the time we pull up to the water’s edge. The Delaware Water Gap has always been our way to get out of town and find a peaceful place. We sit quietly and listen to the water, look up to the stars and let our minds forget our worries.

“So, what are your plans now that you’re home?” I ask, breaking the silence.

“I guess I’ll find a job, get a girl, and settle down.” He shrugs his shoulders, not even attempting to make eye contact.

“Wow, big plans.” I focus on my nails, chipping away some of the week-old paint. How I wish he didn’t see me as a sister. I really need to get over this fixation I’ve had on him for all these years.

“Dani, can I ask a favor?” He turns in my direction. “Of course? Can’t say I will say yes. But you can ask.” I raise my leg, bend it onto the bench seat and face him.

“Remember all the times you asked me for one night, just one time?” I nod, recalling all the favors he has done for me. There was prom night, the night I needed an escort to a college function. Oh, and who can forget my parents' thirty-year anniversary party. Whelp, I really can’t count that one. I just begged him to make sure he could take leave.

“Will you come with me? I need to appear at a family wedding. My cousin. Remember Jonathan?” I nod, recalling the sexy blonde who would come for a week during the summer.

“He’s your mother’s brother’s kid, right? Like a year younger than us?” I question, and he confirms.

“Yeah, he and Michael are getting married. My parents will be there, and I really don’t want to go alone.”

I consider it an excuse to get away for a weekend. Get dressed up and have some fun. Why not?

“Where and when, I got your back, just like you’ve always had mine. We’re BFFs. It's what we do!” I shrug my shoulders, and relief moves over his face.

“Two weeks, it’s a Saturday midday wedding, reception to follow in the evening. But there’s a catch. It’s a booze cruise wedding. So we are stuck on the ship until late Sunday after the family brunch.” He laughs.

“Sounds like a dangerously good time.” I giggle. We can have a blast and not worry about driving.

He starts the engine, the lights come on, and he reverses out of the spot. “I appreciate it. Let’s get home. You have work in the morning.” Hearing the words as simple as let’s get home sends a shiver up my spine. Shaking the feeling off, he pulls out onto the highway, and an hour later, we are pulling into the apartment parking lot. My car is backed in and parked in my assigned spot, to my surprise.

“How did-” He winks, “Nicki and Keni.”

God, I love my sisters.


A week later, I’m running late. I should have been out of the office fifteen minutes ago. I would have been if I hadn’t answered the damn phone with only a minute to go. Ever since Jacob moved in, I have been eager to get home. We have been staying up late watching movies or just enjoying each other’s company. It’s as if time hasn’t passed by. He makes me feel like the teenager I was, sneaking out of the house and hanging out with him. We have laughed, cried, and everything in between.

I pull into my spot and grab the pizza I picked up on the way. When I get to the door, I unlock it and rush in, having to pee. When I rush through the small apartment, I expect Jacob to be seated at the table waiting. But he’s not.

I hear the water running with the pizza safely in the oven to keep warm. Shit, he’s in the shower. I cross my legs, oh for fuck sake! I can’t wait. I turn the knob and open the door slightly. His reflection in the mirror reveals he is washing his hair. I tiptoe in, figuring I can get in pee, and get out before he even knows.

In a rush, I squat on the toilet and let loose. With a quick wipe, I decide I’ll wash my hands in the kitchen so as not to get caught. I hear the curtain pull back once my pants are up and zippered.

Wide-eyed, I look at his face and instinctively at his cock. “Hot Damn!” escapes on its own accord.

“Dani, what the fuck?” He yanks at the curtain to cover, shocked to see me standing there. I can’t help the giggle, “sorry had to pee.” I shrug my shoulders and step closer. I pull the curtain from his hip with my pointer finger and look down, “you have no reason to hide, be proud.” He bat’s my hand away. “Dani!” I shrug and wink.

“Oh really?” He drops the curtain, and I rush from the room with a full burst of laughter. “Jacob, don’t you dare.” I slam the door behind me.

He steps from the bathroom a moment later, wrapped in a towel.

“Hope you got a good look.” He says, grabbing the t-shirt from the back of the recliner. I cross my legs and sit on the couch. “I did. I must say, I’m impressed.” He looks over his shoulder, and the towel drops showing his fine-toned ass. He clenches and then proceeds to pull up his boxers as I turn my attention to the slice of pepperoni pizza in hand.

“Dani, you can drive a man crazy, you know?” He plops down beside me, leans in, and chews off a piece of the crust.

“It’s fun, besides. It’s not like we could ever be a couple, right?” I asked in a joking manner. Because in all reality, I think we would make a great couple. We both like all the same things, yet we give each other a hard time about certain things. Oh, hell. I am not going down this road again. I shake the thoughts from my head and place my attention on the remote in search of something to watch.

“Do you want a soda or beer?” He gets up and walks over to the kitchen. I love how he is so relaxed here with me. It’s as if we were meant to be together. He’s the thread to my needle. I’m his Bonnie to his Clyde. We just…are good for each other.

“Beer me!” I tell him with a smile. He gets his slice and steals the remote from my hand when he returns.

“My night to pick.” He claims, and I’m okay with it.
