Page 11 of One Night by

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Chapter Seven

A week later…

After taking a long hot shower, a loud bang comes from the door. I jumped in place, startled.

“Hey, are you going to save some hot water for me?” Jacob asks. I giggle, turn the water off, and grab the towel from the counter. Quickly, I wrap it around myself and open the door.

“You should have joined me, conserve water, save the planet and all.” I laugh as his eyes go wide, but he doesn’t move. A surprised expression, to say the very least.

“I’m kidding, Jacob, relax. I know you don’t see me that way.” I place my hand on his shoulder as I walk past him and into my room, closing the door behind me.

What is with him lately? He's so damn jumpy.



Join her? For the love of God, I did everything in my power not to sneak in and seduce her. I listened to her singing as she washed her hair, and I had to wonder what the hell took so long! And she has the nerve to joke about it? This is killing me!I stare at myself through the mirror. It’s time I start seriously looking for my own place.

With a few deep breaths, I calm myself. I’ve got to get a handle on this, or it’s going to be a long night. I’m happy for Jonathan and Michael, but having to see my parents is going to be a kick in the face. I can see it coming.

Thank god I have Dani; she is my rock. She knows just when to be brutal and when to be sweet. After all these years, I’ve learned not to take her or our friendship for granted. She has gotten me through some rough times. Don’t get me wrong. She has also torn out my heart and spit on it, but what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her, right?

As the water cascades down my body, I think about how this night is going to go. We’ll have a few drinks and have our own fun as we did for her prom. We’ll congratulate Jonathan and Michael and then tend to our assigned table, have some drinks, and dance the night away. Just her and I, fuck everyone else who will be there. We will have fun! I’ll make sure of it.

Pleased with my plan, I turn the water off, grab a towel and go in search of my suit. Dani was nice enough to make room in the hall closet for some of my things.

Standing by the couch, I pull up my boxers and finish drying my hair. I should have gotten a haircut because the top is getting way too long.

Once I have my slacks on and am finished buttoning up my shirt, I hear the bedroom door open. Oh, for fucks sake! She steps out, leans her right arm against the door frame, and lets me take it all in.



With my hair and makeup completed, I glance in the full-length mirror. Appreciating how Nicki’s dress actually fits and looks good. I was surprised when we were hanging out the other night. She offered it to me. She claims it’s her lucky dress, and I’m not sure if I want to know any more about that subject. Other than that, it just came back from the cleaners.

It’s tight but breathable. The crisscross halter-style top is secure and holds my girls. As I admire the teal color, I turn and confirm the backless bodycon sequin dress is not completely zippered. I push my hair back over my shoulders and open the door. My calves look awesome in the new high heels I bought.

I grab the black and teal tie I also purchased and pull open the door. In one step, I place my right hand over my head against the door frame, place the tie, and place the other hand on my left hip, waiting for Jacob to notice I’ve joined him. He stops short of buttoning his top button. His eyes zero in on the bare cleavage exposed, and his jaw drops.

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” I say and walk in his direction. I finish buttoning his shirt and slide the tie over his head. We match perfectly. With a turn, I glance over my shoulder, “would you mind?” He follows the fabric down to my lower back with shaky hands and finishes zippering it for me. “Thanks!”

I step away and grab my wristlet.

“Umm, Dani, where is the rest of the dress?” I let my head fall back in a full belly laugh.

“Jacob, don’t be silly.” He steps back and can’t seem to pull his eyes away.

“Seriously, you’re like a siren, beautiful, sexy. So bold, not your normal conservative self. Like from a fantasy, a mermaid with legs.” He babbles, and I can’t help but see his face flush.

“I can change if you don’t feel it is appropriate?” His head shakes frantically, denying my offer.

“No, I just wasn’t expecting it. Fuck Danielle, I have always known how beautiful you are, but you’re fucking hot.” I feel my face heat under his lust-filled stare.

“Stop fucking with me. Let’s go. We’ll be late.” I turn and walk towards the door.

“I’m glad this is a gay wedding, or I’d be beating the guys off with a stick. I’d go as far as tossing them over the side of the boat,” he says as the door closes behind us.

“Stop playing.” With my overnight bag in hand, we descend the stairs and make our way to the parking lot. “We’ll take my car. I’d hate for Cherry Pie (my nickname for the Packard he bought) to be left in the lot overnight.” I toss him the keys, he throws our bags in, and we settle in for the half-hour drive to the waterfront in Bayonne.

As we pull up into a spot, he places the overnight parking ticket on the dashboard, glances out the window, and sighs.

“They’re here already.” As a black black-tinted, out limousine pulls right in front, I turn and observe the lot. He pulls a flask from his front breast pocket and takes a swig of whatever’s in it.

“You alright?” I ask, knowing he is not looking forward to seeing his parents.

He takes hold of my hand after replacing the flask. “I will be because I have you.” I pat the back of his hand with my other, “you always have, always will.” He nods and exits the vehicle, rounding the front to open my door like the gentleman he is.
