Page 16 of One Night by

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Chapter Eleven


I came home, the bar was dead, and Diesel let me go early. I did not expect to see a tie hanging from our front door. I could feel the heat rising, the jealousy eating away at my insides as I made my way back across the courtyard. She is out and about all week, ignoring me when I am there, and now this?

With my phone in hand, I call and ask Diesel if I could hang out at his place. I honestly have nowhere else to go. Of course, there is no problem being the kind and good friend he is. When I get back to the bar to grab his keys, I run in and demand a drink.

“What the fuck Jacob? Why are you in such a pissy mood?” Diesel asks placing a beer on the coaster and his apartment keys next to it.

“There is a tie hanging on the doorknob.” I grab the beer and down it.

“Yeah, so?” He asks and then steps back. “Well, I’ll be damned. It’s about time you admitted to yourself you have feelings for her.” Shocked, I lean back and run my fingers through my hair. Has it been that obvious?

The music is playing, and Billy Joel's words have me turning on the stool. I stand and walk over to the jukebox. Dreams? No, memories fill my head.

The way we kissed on the dance floor, running down the hallway catching her at the doorway. The moment her dress hit the floor. The way she reached out for me and pulled me down. The moment I came inside her.

“Fuck!!!” I scream out. It wasn’t a dream. It happened, we had one night, and we took advantage of it. We made love as if our lives depended on it, and then the next morning, I thought it was a dream.

No wonder she turned so cold, no wonder she’s been avoiding me. Oh god, I fucked up big time. Panic tightens my chest as I rub it with my palm and return to the bar where Diesel stands.

“I’m going to need a shot-something stronger.” I place both palms on the bar pulling in a few deep breaths.

How could I be such a dick?



The Uber arrives, and we all pile in. “Wig Wam, on Cedar Lane, please,” Nicki says, and the driver nods, puts the car in drive, and pulls away from the curb.

“We will drink and dance and laugh, no more being upset,” Keni and I agree. “I got about an hour, and I gotta get home, school tomorrow. These summer classes are kicking my ass. But at least I’ll graduate sooner than later. And the Professor is nice on the eyes,” she says, buckling her seatbelt.

Nicki is on her cell phone, “Hold his ass there, D. I don’t give a fuck if you want to live until morning, do what I say.” My eyes go wide. It’s common for her to speak her mind, but I thought things might have been different for her and Diesel. Guess not.

As we approach the entrance to the bar, I know tonight is going to end with one of us in jail. “Maybe we should go back or go to Buddy’s or the 101?”

Nicki slides her arm through mine, “we are here. We got your back.”

We step inside, and I immediately head for a back booth, not even looking to see who is here. Keni and I sit while Nicki goes to get the drinks.

There is some commotion at the bar, and I make my way to the end of the pony wall to see what’s going on.

“I know I fucked up, Nicki. Give me a fucking break.” Diesel says. Not wanting to come between them, I stay back, making sure she is okay.

“You let him go. I want him. Diesel, I need to talk to him.” She says, slamming her fist against the bar. I have no clue what is going on. I thought she liked Diesel like she really liked him. Yeah, I know she gets around, but I see the way she acts with him. It’s different.

“He’s a mess. Shit hit the fan tonight. You don’t even know.” He continues wiping a glass out with a bar towel. “Yeah, I know more than you think, and that mother fucker owes her,” she shouts, waving her hands around.

“He didn’t remember, but he does now. He feels awful.” I gasp at the knowledge. Nicki continues, she’s looking for a fight, “he should. He’s a fucking asshole. All these years, he’s been pining over her, and the one time she gives in to her own feelings, he doesn’t even remember. Ugh, I want to hit him so hard right now.” She says, taking Diesel’s beer and chugging it back.

“Not for nothing, Nicki, so what if Jacob made a mistake? She was with someone tonight. I let him duck out early. He came back because she had a tie on the door, so two wrongs don’t make a right.” The beer spits from her mouth as she bursts out laughing.

“Fuck face,” she says, wiping her chin with the napkin, “Where do you think Keni and I have been? At her house with her, we were at the apartment drinking when she told us what had happened. She’s been with us all night. I brought her here, figuring he’d be here so they can sort this shit out.” She pulls her hair back, notices me in the corner, and excuses herself.

“What was that about?” I ask as she approaches, pretending not to have heard every single word.

“Nothing, let’s play some darts.” She waves Keni over, and we start a game. I glance at the bar and confirm Jacob isn’t here. Then where is he?

Fuck him. I did what I needed to do. I got it off my chest. Now, I need to pick up the pieces and move on. Besties, that’s what we are, and that’s what we’ll stay. Nothing more.
