Page 17 of One Night by

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Chapter Twelve


How could I have been so blind? How could I have thought it was a dream? The emotions of our one night together kept me from sleeping. Diesel's text claims she was at the bar with her sisters. I contemplate leaving his apartment and going home. Huh, home? Or do I go and talk to her? Or should I… an idea comes to mind, and I call the Johnson family home.

“Hi David, I know it’s late. But are you up?” He says he was making his evening tea, “great, I’ll see you soon.” I hang up and take my keys from the front table by the door. In a rush, I quicken my steps and get into the car. Within ten minutes, I’m across town and parked outside the house.

Glaring at the front door. Debating. I take a deep breath, turn the car off and walk up the sidewalk which leads to the front door. All the while admiring the postage-stamp-sized yard, edged with flowers and the perfectly mowed lawn. This is what I want, a woman who adores me, a house I can manage, and a family.

I pull open the screen door with a deep breath and let myself in as I have done so many times before. “What’s the problem, Jacob? You look lost.” David greets me as I enter the kitchen.

“David, I love you like a father, and I have to tell you something.” Julie joins us at the table.

She takes a seat, “this sounds important. Are you alright?” They both glances in my direction, and I pace the small kitchen.

“You’re making me nervous, out with it,” David spits out and leans back in his chair, intertwining his fingers and resting them on his belly.

I stop where I stand, “I love Danielle.” It comes out with no hesitation, no fear, pure and honest. They glance at one another and, in unison, say, “we know,” and laugh.

Dumbfounded, I stand there with my mouth open. “What? Who? How could you?” Discombobulated, I take a seat at the table and lean down at it.

“You’ve loved each other for years. We were just waiting for you both to grow up and realize it.” Julie says while taking my hand in hers. I’m still in shock that I even said it out loud, but more so because everyone else knew without saying a word.

“Now, what are you going to do about it?” David asks, “Don’t think, just blurt it out.”

I look up and right into his eyes, “I’m going to marry her if she’ll have me. With your blessing, of course?”

“Those are big balls you got there. It’s why I like you, and we get along. I’d be honored to have you officially in our family.”

They both nod, “we already consider you our son. This would just make it legal,” Julie adds.

“Now, if I can convince Dani,” I say, helpless, leaning back in the chair.

“You’ll figure it out, and when the time is right, you’ll know,” Julie says. I excuse myself, stop to kiss Julie on the cheek, and shake David’s hand. “Thank you. Thank you both.” I'm outside in a few short strides, glancing up at the stars.



“Hey, D!- One more round!” I hold up my shot glass and yell across the bar to Diesel. I’m so drunk I can’t even see if he is there.

“I think we gotta go,” Nicki takes the glass from my hand as I plop down into the booth.

“But I don’t wanna,” I pout. Home is where Jacob will be.

“Then come home with one of us, but you are done drinking your sorrows away. It’s not the answer.” Keni says she may be the youngest, but she has become the most reliable. Except for special occasions, like her birthday.

Nicki stands and reaches her arm out to help, “Come on, Dani, and tomorrow is going to suck for you.”

I push my hair back from my face, “I know, and I have to go get my boobs squished,” I remind myself, glancing at my phone to see the time.

Diesel comes over, “You guys need help getting home?”

Nicki rolls her eyes, “No, I called an Uber, and it should be here.” He steps back as we sway our way through the bar and out the front door.

The hot, humid air suffocates me, and I take a few steps. Reaching out for the telephone pole, I bend over and puke.

I’m not sure how much time passes before I can stand up straight again.
