Page 24 of One Night by

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The place is packed already, and with a pep in my step. I search for my family. About five minutes go by when I see them waving from the vendor's corridor to the left of all the cars.

I walk closer, mom looks in my direction, and I run, wrapping her in my arms. “Hey, hey. What the heck, Danielle.” She says, pushing me back to arm’s length when she sees I’m smiling.

“Yeah!” I nod, and she wraps me tighter.

“It’s negative,” I say loud enough for them all to hear. Happy tears stream down, my father kisses my forehead, and we all join arm in arm and begin our tour around the classic cars.

“I’m so happy. I don’t even know what to do with myself.” I say giddy, knowing now I can plan a future. Maybe one with Jacob, if I haven’t blown my chance.

Music is playing. Families admire the vehicles as much as we are. We stop and take photos in front of a few. When we get toward the end, I notice Keni slows down and looks nervous.

I slow down and wait for her as the others proceed. “What’s up, little sister?” I place my arm over her shoulder, wondering what’s got her on edge.

“Nothing,” she snaps and turns her head to face away from the cars. I search to see what she is avoiding, and my eyes land on orange with a black striped muscle car. A Chevrolet Chevelle SS, nice.

The guy standing next to it talking isn’t too bad either. Muscular but not ripped like Diesel or tall like Jacob. He’s older than Keni. His hair, like most guys, is tight along with the ear and a little longer on top. His mustache and beard are short scruffs, well maintained or groomed if you will.

“Um, is there something I should know about, Keni?” I come right out and ask. As we walk past, I hear a male voice, “Kendra, is that you?” The man approaches, and Keni’s face turns red.

“Boy, it sure is hot out here,” I fan my face with my hand.

Kendra rolls her eyes and turns, “Good afternoon Professor Manning.” He stops, places his hands in his jean pockets then asks, “Enjoying the show?” I step forward, “How rude of me. I’m Kendra’s sister, Danielle. Nice to meet you, Professor, is it?” I shake his hand and then step back.

“Yeah, sorry, Professor, but we have to catch up with our family,” she says, pulling my arm, and we dash away like little school girls giggling until we come up behind our parents. “Nicki is off doing her thing but will be back,” they say.

I bump Keni’s shoulder, “so when did professors get so fucking hot?” She laughs and ignores my questions.

With that, we step in front of the Packard. Turning my head left and then right, there is no sign of Jacob. Disappointment fills me.

“Disappointed?” My father asks. “A little, I guess,” I admit with a shrug off my shoulders.

“Excuse me! Excuse me, can I have everyone’s attention?” The surrounding speakers squeal, and everyone quickly puts their hands over their ears.

“Is that Nicolette?” My mother points while looking around to find out what’s going on.

Everyone crowds around the car, mumbling to each other and wondering why they have all been called over here. Then the music begins to play, and I hear the words:

“Don't go changing…

Jacob appears from behind the tent, holding a microphone up to his mouth.

My eyes fill with tears. He’s singing to me. This guy, my best friend, is going out of his comfort zone to prove his love for me.

My mom, dad, and sister step back, leaving me in the open, stunned at what I’m witnessing. Jacob gets closer, his eyes on mine as he continues to sing Billy Joel’s song.

The same song from the wedding. The one night we had together, which he forgot. A tear escapes. The one night I dreamed of, and the one he claims he’s been dreaming of.

It comes to an end. It’s so quiet you could probably hear a pin drop.

“Danielle Johnson, I know I fucked up. But, if you’ll let me, I will work every damn day for the rest of our lives to make it up to you. You are my best friend, my safe place. You’ve become my heartbeat, my last breath, because, without you, Dani, I’m nothing.”

I swallow his words and leap forward into his arms. He has me leaning back in one swift move, kissing me as if our lives depended on it.

“I love you, Cherry Pie.” He says with a kiss on my nose as he lifts me to a standing position. People all around are clapping. I’m so embarrassed I hide my face against his chest.

Along with Keni and Nicki, my parents approached and, each one in their own way, said, “it was about time.”

As the day came to an end, everyone went their separate ways. I, of course, stayed by Jacob’s side. He wouldn’t let me go now that we were finally together.
