Page 129 of Falling Like This

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“Something like that,” I giggle. Aaron tickles my ribs, making me giggle more.

She shakes her head as she unfurls her sleeping bag. “Amazing what happens when you talk and actuallylistento each other. I take it you two are okay now?”

We both nod.

“Not dating—”

“Yet,” Aaron interjects, with a look so smoldering, I’m pretty sure I just caught on fire.

“But we’re working toward it.”

Sarah sighs and nestles into her sleeping bag. “It’s about time.” Then she rolls over and flicks Aaron on the arm. “I know you both contributed to all this crap, but let me be clear, you hurt my sister again and I’ll kick your ass. Got it?”

“I’m not going to hurt her again, Sarbear. I promise.”

She nods and looks up at the sky. “Good.”

After a quiet moment, Aaron leans in toward me. Before our lips touch, Sarah says, “Doesn’t mean you need to suck each other’s faces off right now.”

We both stifle a laugh.

“Do I hear voices?” Joel appears from the stairway. He stops short when he sees Aaron and me snuggled up together. He closes his eyes and lets out a sigh. “Oh, thank God.” He walks over and unrolls his sleeping bag on the other side of me and climbs in. “I needed my two best friends to be okay again. I’m assuming this means you’re okay.”

“We’re better than okay,” I say quietly. Then Aaron gives me a long, slow kiss.

“I’m happy for you guys. Also, ew.” He climbs out of his sleeping bag, drags it over next to Sarah and lays closer to her. They exchange a flirty look which makes Aaron raise his eyebrows at me.

Later, I mouth.

Apparently everyone was worried about me tonight because only a few minutes later, Miles and Mackie show up, sleeping bags in tow.

“We thought you might be bummed tonight and want some comp—” Miles stops short, looking at Aaron and me in a sleeping bag together. A wide smile crosses his face.

“Halle-freaking-lujah!” Mackie yells. Mackie lays her stuff out on the other side of Joel while Miles comes over and lies down next to me.

I look over at him and am about to tell him what happened, but he holds up his hand. “I don’t need the details tonight. As long as you’re both happy and talking, I’m happy. Especially if you’re both finally trusting your hearts.”

He and Aaron exchange a glance, and I take a moment to be grateful for the bond we all share. That even when things were rocky between Aaron and me, everyone else’s relationships stayed strong.

We all stare at the stars in silence for a little while before making our way into my room.

Miles and Mackie end up on the trundle bed together and somehow Joel, Sarah, Aaron, and me all squeeze into my full-size bed.

I snuggle up against Aaron’s chest and breathe him in.

“Happy birthday, Beautiful,” he whispers. Our eyes meet, and we share a soft, slow kiss.

He squeezes his arm tightly around me, and for the first time in too long, I drift off in my safest place.

I wake up the next morning still safely tucked in Aaron’s arms. I smile happily and look down at Miles and Mackenzie. Mackie has her arms and legs tossed over Miles, who is lying stick-straight. I look over at Sarah and Joel, who are also snuggled together.

There’s a soft knock at the door as Mom sticks her head in.

“Hey, happy birthday, honey—” she blinks a few times, taking everyone in. Then she smiles and yells downstairs, “Charlie, you better make some more pancakes!”

She gives me a wink and heads back downstairs.

After a celebratory breakfast with my parents and best friends, everyone heads home to get ready for school. As Aaron is getting ready to leave, I grab his arm.
