Page 4 of Falling Like This

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Whatever. Stick close to my friends and have some fun. I can do that, right? Except everyone is scattering. Joel and Aaron head outside to talk to some of the baseball boys. Sarah goes to the bar. Miles and Mackie are milling around the room near me. Miles is already turning on the charm with not one but two girls.Never the same girl twice.He’s such a slut.

The living room has been turned into a dance floor and music is blaring. I said I wanted to dance.Have fun. I spot Trevor and Hyla, and Trev waves me over. We don’t always stick together at parties, but we do keep an eye on each other, so I catch Sarah’s eyes and nod toward Trevor so she knows where I’ll be.

Trevor pulls me closer to him and Hyla, and we dance. Surprisingly, this is a lot of fun. I’m laughing and bouncing around and having a good time. Trevor pulls me closer and playfully grinds on me. Trevor is one of my favorite people to dance with because he’s always goofing around and trying to make me laugh.

That’s when I look over and see Aaron staring at me. It’s almost unnerving how intensely he’s watching me. I’m not sure if it’s because hewantsme or if he’s… angry? I swear I see some fire in his eyes. Trevor grabs my arm and spins me back to face him as he and Hyla sandwich me between them. Hyla and I start laughing hysterically, and I look around, wondering where Mackie is, because I’m sure she’d like to get in on this situation. She and Hyla have always been… close. Sometimes I wonder if it is or could be more than that.

Okay, Rae, no need to be matchmaking. You can’t even figure out your own love life.

I turn back around to look at Aaron and see him chatting with a girl in our class—an acquaintance, I guess—and a shot of jealousy courses through me. I know it shouldn’t. I’m sure it’s just a friendly chat. It doesn’t matter. Wearen’t together. Even if he did kiss me on his truck.

And I am rapidly falling for him.


I hate this.

Being “friends” with Aaron is getting complicated. I think being something more could be… amazing, but this in-between zone? I hate it.

“I’m gonna go grab a drink,” Hyla says loudly, so we can hear her over the sound of the music.

Trevor nods and moves closer to me, and we keep dancing as the dance floor fills up with people. Everyone is on top of each other, and I’m enjoying this whole dancing thing a lot less. Even Trevor seems to be too. Over his shoulder, I see Hyla waving from the bar, trying to flag down Trevor. I point at her. Trevor looks in her direction, then turns back to me. “You gonna be okay out here?”

I glance over at Aaron, who is alone again, arms crossed, staring at me. “Yeah, I’m gonna go see A, anyway.”

He gives me a nod and squeezes my shoulder before we head in different directions.

“Hey,” I say when I get to Aaron, “what’s wrong?”

“What are you doing?” he asks me, stern.

“Um, dancing. Why?”

“You’re acting ridiculous.”

“I’m acting ridiculous?” Okay, now I’m pissed. Who does he think he is?

Oh yeah, he’s doing that whole protective thing.

Just because I think it’s sexy doesn’t mean I always like it.

“This isn’t you,” he says, leaning in toward me, “this isn’t who you are.”

“What? I’m not normally fun? Because dancing like that was fun,” I say. I feel sassy tonight. And even sassier that he’s acting jealous. Because he hasn’t saidanythingto me. Epic kiss, then poof, nothing.

He shakes his head. “That’s not what I meant. You’re always fun,” he says, giving me a sweet smile. “I want you to enjoy yourself, but I also want you to be yourself. You’re awesome. I don’t get why you’re trying to change.”


Damn him. Being all cute when I’m frustrated with him.

“I’m not trying to change. I just wanted to let off a little steam. It’s not like I’m drunk.”

“But you’re dancing with random guys.”

See! Jealous!

“No, I danced with Trevor. But even if I had been dancing with other guys, so what?” I know I probably shouldn’t poke the bear, but I can’t help it. I want him to tell me what he wants. Actually, I want him to tell me he wantsme. “You were talking to Caity.”

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