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“Jeez, Macks. You could talk to us, ya know?”

She raises her eyebrows and smirks at me. “You’re one to talk, A.”


“Anyway, I came to talk to you because even though I’ve never experienced a verbal smackdown from Rae, I’ve seen enough of them to know you probably don’t feel too great right now.”

I give a little nod. “Yeah, but I pretty much deserved this one. A lot of things have gone both ways, but not this. She’s right. I was being a jealous asshole, and I have no right to be.”

She tilts her head. “Are you jealous because she’s spending time with Kevin, or do you just miss her?”

“Honestly? Probably both. I know how she gets. I’m scared she’s going to shut me out and distract herself with someone else. Jesse’s not available, so why not Kevin?”

Mackie chuckles. “That would beveryRae. But for what it’s worth, I think this is different. And I think that’s probably why she’s upset. She feels like you don’t trust her.“ I start to sputter immediately, but she holds her hand up. “I know you want to argue, but a lot of jealousy is born out of insecurity or lack of trust. It’s why I was constantly jealous of Hyla spending time with other people. With her, I clearly was picking up on something off. With Rae, I don’t think you are. I think you’re both as scared as ever.”

I squint at her. “Damn, Macks.”

She smiles, but it quickly falters. “We’ve all gotten way too wrapped up in our own shit and we’ve forgotten to be there for each other this year. Granted, maybe that’s a part of growing, going through stuff by yourself, but I think we all need that support again. We need to rely on our friendships again. I’m here for you, Aaron, always.”

I pull her into my arms. “I’m here for you too, Mackie. I love you.”

“Love you too, bud. Okay, I’m gonna go. Hopefully Sarah will have Rae calmed down. You gonna be okay?”

“Yeah. I’ll be all right.”

“I’ll see you at the game tonight. Kick ass, okay?”

I shoot her a wink. “Do my best.”

Mackenzie leaves and my eyes go to my clock. I have to be at the field in forty-five minutes. Hopefully that will leave me just enough time to do what I need to do.

I quickly change into my coach’s uniform, sling my backpack over my shoulder, and head upstairs.

Warm-ups have just finished and the players are returning to the dugout. First game. The pressure is high, but so is the excitement.

Tanner calls me over to the edge of the dugout. He points up into the stands.

“You asked me what I wanted…” He stares at a gorgeous brunette who is sitting down. She sees him and smiles a bright smile while waving at him. “I called her last night and explained everything. Told her I love her. Told her I want us to work it out and invited her to the game. She goes to school two hours away, but she still drove out for it. I hope that means there’s hope.”

I smile at him. “Trust me, there is,” I say, my eyes drifting over to the row we got season passes for. Rae is finding her seat with Sarah and… Jamie? I didn’t tell him my schedule, though he might have been following it. But by the way he’s chatting with Rae, I wonder… did she invite him?

Tanner sighs, and I realize he’s looking at a different part of the stadium.

“My parents…”

I put my hands on his shoulders. “Remember what you want and why you love the game. That’s all that matters right now.”

He nods and we step back into the dugout.

Joel’s parents are sitting down in the stands. Mine happened to be on vacation this week, but I know they probably won’t miss many more. Miles sits down next to Jamie, with Mackie and Amanda sitting next to him.

A hand lands on my shoulder and I turn to see Joel.

“You surprised she’s here?”

“Not really. But after that fight, I was wondering.”

Joel softens as he glances back at the stands. “Even after all these years, it still feels good to see the people you love in the stands.” I nod. He holds his fist up. “Let’s do this, A.”

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