Page 103 of The Playboy Project

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“Goodbye, Liam.” Her voice was ragged.

I stared, torn and hurting and confused all at the same time. I would be worthy of her. I wasn't there yet. But I would be. Every step she took back to the elevator, my heart matched in beats. Slow. Deep. Painful.

I turned to my room, desperate to get some sleep and get my head wrapped around everything that had just happened, when Dad tumbled back into the living room.

“Scare her off already?” he slurred.

“Dad, go to sleep. I can’t deal with this right now.”

“She seemed like a keeper. Why are you getting rid of her?”

I ground my teeth. “I’m not getting rid of her. It’s complicated. You know I have responsibilities now. I can’t just do whatever I want. Unlike some people.”

Dad waved his hands at me. “Ah, the old Liam’s back. The one always showing off how focused he is, how easy it is to stay on task.”

“Being able to run a company without sliding into debt or cheating on my wife doesn't make my better than anybody, Dad. That’s the bare minimum in most people’s eyes. Hell, in everybody’s eyes. You get that, right?”

“Well, anything is better than the mess you’ve been the past few years.” Dad snorted, dropping onto the couch with a groan.

“You made me into that person.”

“Says who? You? Or is it perhaps easier to say that you did it for me?”

“Don’t gaslight me. I was there. I remember, even if you can’t.”

“Calm down, kid. I was trying to pay you a compliment. You seem like you finally know where you’re going.” He was getting tired now. I could see his eyelids struggling to stay aloft. I wondered if he’d remember any of this later.

“Yes, I do. No thanks to you.”

“Touchy tonight. I’m just going to head to bed, then.”

“Yes, please.” I straightened my shoulders. “And Dad, after tonight, this is over. No more calling me. No more calling Sam or even Tanner. You are no longer my mess to clean up.”

His brows raised, even while his eyelids drooped farther. It probably wasn't the best time to make this pledge, but on a night I’d already turned myself inside out with confessions, I couldn’t take the time to wait.

Not anymore.

“You can’t throw your own father out.”

“I won’t. Not tonight. But this is my house. My life. And I can’t have you screwing it up every time you decide to ruin yours.”

He snarled at me. “Remember where you came from, boy. I made you.”

“No. The only thing you are responsible for is ruining me. Now get to bed or get out. Your fucking choice.”

Another grunt, and my old man peeled a blanket off the back of the couch and curled up in it, his shoulders away from me. Leaving me once more alone.

As I crawled into bed, I sent up one final prayer to whomever might be listening that I wasn’t making a huge mistake.
