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The line went dead. Before I could second-guess myself, I called my mom. I kept the call short, letting her know that Adriana had ended up at Ruby’s. And that there was a car on the way to her.

“Do you think she’ll stay there now?”

“The treatment facility doesn’t lock her in, Ma. It’s her choice.” I could almost feel the despair in my mother from here. “It’s going to be okay. She’s safe now.”

By the time I hung up with her, I felt like I’d worked a full day. And it was only ten in the morning. My anxiety and adrenaline were still pumping, so I stood to go for a walk. Moving my body has always helped in these instances.

I only made it to the main lobby before I ran right into Ashlyn.

“Ashlyn,” I said politely, unsure of what Cici had told her.

“Hey, Brady. I heard Cici is feeling…better.” Ashlyn’s bright eyes surveyed me closely. Ah, so she knew everything.

My spine snapped straight. “I’m glad. We’re going to try that new Italian place just down the block soon. You and Liam should join us.”

She smiled a little, her demeanor still reserved. Not that I blamed her. I’d knocked up her fiercely independent business partner in a fit of passion. We had a long way to go before things were normal again. “Sure. That sounds nice.”

I turned, ready to continue walking out the shakiness that still dwelled in my chest. Ashlyn rushed forward, her voice dropping to a whisper. “Wait, Brady. How is everything going? With Peter, I mean?”

“With Peter?” I stared at her, clueless.

Ashlyn’s look was suspicious. “The transition to Grove Communications taking on such a lion’s share of Leden’s marketing? I wanted to be sure that you were happy with it. I’ve always thought that was your job.”

“I’m not sure what you’re saying. Itismy job.”

“Okay, good. Peter just said you’ve been stepping back a little.”

“I have been. I’m really here to facilitate that transition and then get the hell out of their way. Between Cici, Peter, and Peyton, it seems to be well in hand. This is a big company, Ashlyn. I have plenty of other things on my plate as well.”

“Of course. I’m glad it’s going well.” Ashlyn stepped away, her usually smiling face still serious. “I’ll talk to you soon.”

I stared after her. Had I missed something? Frustrated, I blew through the front doors of the building and began to march up the sidewalk. The burn in my legs from my earlier workout was a welcome relief to my mind. Anything to diffuse the restless anxiety that my sister’s disappearance and reappearance had caused. By the second lap around the block, I was calmer. Calm enough to mull Ashlyn’s words over in my mind.

I’d barely realized I was stepping back. That had always been the plan, but at the same time, was I making myself obsolete? I made a mental note to talk to Cici about it some time. And to make sure that Peyton didn’t feel like I’d abandoned her.

If it was the last thing I did, I wouldn’t give up on someone who was counting on me.


Chapter 15


“I think I should just shave it all off. Go straight up bald from here on out.”

I dragged my eyes back from the window to Cici. Her face was worried, watching me closely. “I’m sorry, Cecelia. What did you say?”

She raised one dark brow, her blue gaze curious. “I was chattering on about how Peter was obsessed with Peyton, but that’s nothing new. Whatever you’ve got on your mind obviously is.” Her hand covered mine. “What’s going on?”

We’d decided on a favorite local place, fast enough that we could steal back to my place afterwards, but slow enough that it felt like we could really talk. Until my brain had disappeared, trapped in a cycle of worry over my sister.

“Nothing for you to worry about.”

She narrowed her eyes, picking the pickle up off her plate and taking a bite. “I don’t believe you. What happened to Mr. Transparency?”

I snagged a fry off the plate between us. “I am being honest. It’s nothing for you to worry about.”

“I throw my baggage and drama at you on a daily basis. The very least I could do is let you talk to me about your problems.”
