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And then to my surprise, Chip darts forward so fast, I almost jerk away from him. He hops right into my hand, grabs the nut, and stuffs it into his cheek before hopping right back off again. He runs across the deck, down the steps, and hangs a hard left, back to his bush.

My heart pounds from the encounter, and I’ll bet his is too.

Jesus. A wild chipmunk just ate from my hand. Or rather, stole food from my hand, but all the same… I’m impressed by the little fella.

I grab another peanut from the bag and set it on my shoe again to see if he’ll come back. I finish my morning coffee while staring out at the trees Tilden wants to cut down.

Talk about some symbolism. Essentially, she wants to knock down a wall I’ve got between myself and the world. I’m hiding, and she wants to open things up.

It’s no wonder she chafes me so bad, but I still can’t figure out why I want more of her.

Just a great fuck, I remind myself.Getting back in the saddle, so to speak.

I wait another fifteen minutes to see if Chip will return, but he doesn’t.

With a sigh, I rise out of my chair and head inside, tossing the peanut over the banister for him. I’m going for a run on the trails and then will head into town.

Maybe stop at Masha’s for lunch.

Not to see if Tilden is there but because they make a great Reuben.

I’ve never been a liar. I may have received a drunk blow job from my teammate’s girlfriend, but I’d never lie about it.

But something tells me when it comes to Tilden Marshall, I’m telling all sorts of lies to myself.

My phone rings just as I’m choosing a playlist for my run. It’s Gage, and weirdly, I don’t hesitate to answer.

Weird because my first inclination these last few months has been to ignore anyone and everything that has to do with the Titans.

“What’s up?” I say as I connect the call.

“Hey, man,” he says jovially. “Checking in to see how life is treating you.”

“I’m good.” I glance out the back door, across the deck, to the trees beyond. “Living the dream.”

“That’s good to hear. Listen, you going to be around the next few days? Mind if I take a trip out to see you?”

“You want to come here?” I ask hesitantly.

“Yeah… I’ll just drive up in the morning. Won’t stay long.”

Fuck if I know what in the hell is happening to me, but I find myself offering up some hospitality. “If you got the time, whydon’t you stay the night? We can do some fishing, grill out some steaks, and have a few beers.”

“Really?” Gage asks, and I wince at the incredulous tone, but I can’t blame him. I’ve done nothing but push everyone away for four and a half months, so yeah, it’s a little odd for me to invite him for an extended visit.

“Sure. The quiet is nice, but I could go for some company.”

“Friday sound good?” he asks.

“Yeah, man. You bringing Jenna?”

“Nah. She’s actually flying out to LA with Brienne to do some celebrity interviews. Won’t be back until Sunday.”

We chat for a few more minutes. I don’t ask him, but he supplies updates on everyone. I expect I’ll hear more when he comes in on Friday.

And the weirdest bit of all, I’m kind of looking forward to it.


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