Page 136 of Blame It on the Duke

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Clawing to the surface only to be dragged deeper and deeper.

Dr. Forster arriving.

Lear. Patrick. Shaking him by the shoulders. He thrust them off and threw himself at Coleman.

“You animal!” Nick slammed his fist into Coleman’s nose, and his vision exploded to red.

“He’s insane,” Coleman screamed.

Not a fumbling, bumbling descent but a rushing, roaring one that consumed from the inside out and left nothing but a husk of a man, a man who used to be able to feel the blood pumping in him and then nothing, darkness, and he would have nothing, no one to care for him.

His heart galloping so fast he clutched at his chest, trying to slow it. He staggered and hit a wall. His head pounding, pounding, his mouth like cotton wool.

Alice so blurry now, he could see nothing but a faint streak of blue-green eyes.

Everyone disappearing, fading like light from the gathering dusk.

He had one final thought before true darkness descended:

He loved Alice.

And now he would never have the chance to tell her.
