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Both men stopped swinging and turned to face her.

“Not if I kill you first,” roared the giant and barreled toward her.

She fired. The bullet struck his knee. He fell to the ground, howling in pain and clutching at his knee.

Raven finished him off with a blow to his head. The giant finally lay silent.

She lowered the pistol. Her hands were shaking so badly she was afraid she might injure herself. Raven was at her side. He took the pistol.

There was blood all over the man’s knee and on the ground.

She’d shot a man. But she hadn’t killed him. He’d live if he received medical attention.

“Are you all right?” asked Raven.

She attempted to smile but her lips were frozen. “I think so.” She glanced at the scene before them. Three men down, the fourth lay behind them. “Where’s the lad?” she asked.

“I’m here!” The boy who had posed as the groom sat atop a carriage horse he’d unhitched. “And I’ve got the diamond.” He waved the necklace like a flag. He flashed them a grin and set off at a gallop into the night.

“After him,” shouted Indy, running for the horses.

“Stop.” He caught her arm. “You could be injured.”

“But he’s escaping with the diamond.”

“Let him go. What I want to know is whether you’re all right.”

“A few scratches and bruises. My attacker is far worse off.” He was still stuck to the ground with her knife, and he’d fainted dead away.

“You were very brave.”

“They don’t call me Lady Danger for nothing.” She lifted her hand to his face and her fingers came away soaked with blood. “You’re the one who’s injured.”

“It’s nothing. Come, we must leave before one of these fine fellows wakes up.” He strode toward the horses and began unhitching one of them from the carriage.

Something tugged at Indy’s mind. The way he’d fought. The way those huge men had sailed through the air as if they’d sprouted wings.

Of course! Why hadn’t she realized it before? Hewasa spy. It explained everything. And not only that... he was the man who’d rescued her in that alleyway in Whitechapel.

“Indy, watch out!”

She heard Raven shout but she didn’t have time to react. The man who had been lying behind her must have recovered.

The blow caught her in the back of the head and knocked her to the ground.

Bollocks, she had time to think, before darkness descended.

Raven made swift work of Indy’s attacker, cracking him alongside the head with the pistol. He should shoot the man for wounding Indy, but he never killed unnecessarily.

Indy lay sprawled on the cold ground, her body twisted at an unnatural angle.

His worst nightmare come to life and it was his fault. He should have known this was a trap.

He should never have allowed her to come to Paris in the first place.

Raven dropped to his knees and took her pulse. It was weak but it was there. Not her blood, on his hands, thank God. Mostly his. He had a scratch where a bullet had grazed his shoulder, nothing more.

He must bring her to safety before any of the other men regained consciousness.
