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Everyone remained frozen in the tableau as if no one wanted to be the first person to speak, as if time might spin backward and the scene could be avoided if everyone remained silent.

“What exactly is happening here?” Edgar finally asked, a perplexed expression on his face.

“Lady India had a fainting spell,” said Ravenwood smoothly. “I was attempting to resuscitate her.” He placed an arm around her waist. “Are you quite recovered, my lady?” he asked solicitously. “Perhaps we should fetch some smelling salts?”

That’s when Indy’s already frayed temper completely ripped apart at the seams like a bodice in a bawdy book.

She was angry with herself for touching his lips like a moonstruck young girl.

She was angry with him for kissing her so passionately that she completely forgot she hated him.

And she was furious most of all that they’d been caught in their moment of madness.

Everyone would say she was just another one of Ravenwood’s doxies after Peabody published his titillating tale.

She was no man’s doxy. Especially not Ravenwood’s.

And so she lashed out in the first way her kiss-scrambled brain supplied. How did one go about wounding a rogue?

Hit him where it would hurt the most: his freedom.

“Why, you great dolt of a duke,” she cooed, touching the tip of his nose. “You know I’ve never fainted once in my life.” She removed his arm from her waist. “I think it’s time for our little secret to be revealed.” She whirled toward their audience with her most theatrical whirl.

“Indy,” Ravenwood whispered warningly, only adding fuel to the fire.

“Dear Mr. Peabody,” Indy trilled. “What you have just witnessed has a very logical and legitimate explanation.” She paused for dramatic effect.

All three men leaned in closer to hear her next words.

She was almost beginning to enjoy herself now. She’d always loved a captivated audience.

“You see the truth is that His Grace has just made me the happiest lady on earth.” She lifted his hand to her lips and air-kissed his huge knuckles. “By finally agreeing to set a date for our wedding.”

Chapter 6

Raven swallowed the wrong way and began choking.

Indy thumped him on the back. “Are you quite all right, darling duke? Shall I fetch you some smelling salts?”

She had a sadistic spark in her eyes.

“We’ve been betrothed since birth, you’ll recall,” Indy said in a confiding voice to Peabody, who looked as bewildered as Raven felt.

“But I thought you had, that is to say, I was under the impression, that your ladyship and His Grace were no longer betrothed,” said Peabody.

Banksford laughed uneasily. “Ha ha.” He clapped his hand onto Peabody’s shoulder. “Nothing like a dram of drama in the morning. My sister’s always had a theatrical streak. It’s true that they’ve been betrothed since birth. The agreement was never formally ended. I’m very pleased to hear the wedding’s back on.” He laughed heartily. “Now do let me show you the small-scale model I’ve built of my new steam engine.” He tried to lead Peabody away but the man wasn’t having it.

Peabody stared at India, then at Raven, obviously trying to figure out just what was happening here.

Raven was occupied with doing the same.

How did the Byzantine maze of Indy’s mind work? This was clearly some sort of gauntlet she’d thrown down.

A challenge.

He could call her bluff and put her to the lie in front of her brother and the newspaperman, or go along with the improbable story...

“Your Grace,” said Peabody to Raven, “Is this... that is to say, did you, er, agree to a wedding?”

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