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Now everyone was waiting for him to speak. Here’s where he said something like,there’s no chance in Hades I’ll ever marry and this is just one of our public stunts and we were kissing because...

They’d been kissing.

In a flash, he understood why Indy was doing this. Partly to punish him, but also partly because if the story leaked out she would be shamed.

Men never had to face the consequences of indiscretions. It was always the women who bore the brunt of society’s censure. She was already regarded with mistrust by London society but she would be utterly shunned if word of this impropriety spread.

She’d be a pariah and he’d still be everyone’s favorite rogue.

This was her way of taking control of the situation. Writing her own story.

Damn it all.

He never wanted to be the cause of her shame. He couldn’t believe he was about to do this, but what else could he do? She’d bested him yet again.

Raven lifted Indy’s hand and kissed her knuckles, mirroring her earlier gesture. “Indeed, it is true. We shall be married as soon as conveniently possible.”

“The sooner the better,” said Indy. She smiled a glorious smile. A sunlit smile.

A wicked smile.

“I am she born to tame a wild rogue to one as conformable as other household husbands,” she pronounced.

At this bastardization of the Bard’s words, Mr. Peabody gasped.

She was determined to give them a show, was she? He’d play along. May as well punish her a little as well.

“We’re planning a grand wedding.” Raven stared at his faux intended with a besotted expression. “The grandest. Lady India’s days of sensible frocks are over. She’s professed a desire to be wed in a gown composed entirely of frills. Frill upon froth upon frill.” He brought his hands to her neck. “Layers and layers of frills that start at her neck and cascade down to her daintily clad toes. The color will be... bright canary yellow. She’ll look edible. Like a big, beautiful frilly pineapple.”

Indy glared at him.

“Sounds as though we won’t see much of the lady herself,” said her brother skeptically. He wasn’t buying their act, though Peabody was lapping up every word.

“Oh yes, my pineapple gown,” said India with a truly impressive sigh of joy. “Of course, you may outshine me yet, my darling duke.”

She smiled at the nonplussed Mr. Peabody. “Ravenwood showed me a portrait of his great-great-grandfather and expressed a desire to have a wedding costume that mimicked the splendid sartorial enthusiasms of his ancestor. He wants to wear a doublet of pink silk, with silver velvet insets, and he will wear shoes tied with satin bows, with silver spurs at the heels.”

Raven cleared his throat. “I’m not sure that I saidpinksilk, dear heart.”

“I’m quite certain that you did. I wouldn’t forget something like that.” Her laughter tinkled in a high voice she’d probably never used before in her life. “And there will be the... swans. Twenty swan couples, swimming in a pool with little golden crowns upon their heads. Swans mate for life, don’t you know? And there will also be the... what was it you asked for, lamb chop?

Lamb chop? Swans?

The woman had lost her mind.

“Oh, I recall,” she said. “You wanted there to be twelve ladies dancing. I demurred and said what would society think, you can’t bring dancing ladies into a house of God, but you insisted so I said you could have the dancing ladies if I was allowed to have my...” she paused for a moment, “my champagne fountain,” she concluded triumphantly.

Banksford coughed loudly. “Champagne fountain?”

“As tall as a street lamp, and filled with French champagne. The dancing ladies will emerge from it, all the bubbles will make them quite giddy, and then the guests can dip their glasses into the champagne and have a drink. Are you memorizing all of these details, Mr. Peabody?” Indy asked, whirling on the poor man.

“Ah...” Mr. Peabody nodded. “Swans... dancing ladies... champagne.”

“And the zebra,” prompted Indy.

“The... zebra?” asked the hapless Mr. Peabody.

“The one Ravenwood will ride to the church.”
