Page 115 of Duke Most Wicked

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“It’s not that I don’t think I’m good enough, or that you’re better than me because you have a title. We live in two different worlds. You’re talking about taking your rightful place in society. Restoring Westbury Abbey to its former splendor. You speak of rehabilitating the Westbury family name. And all of these things should be done.”

“Then we’re in agreement.”

“They should be done, but I won’t help your cause. I’m not the perfect duchess. I could never even have made your list. I’m being rational and making plans with my head, and not my heart. Marriage is a business arrangement. You’ve found your business partner in Lady Winifred. But please endeavor to ask for her hand in a more romantic manner than you just employed,” she said severely.

“But what about last night?”

“What about it? It’s as you said, I was drunkon gambling, on the thrill and excitement of it. I had a little money in my reticule, and a fancy new gown, and I became a different person for one night. And one night only.”

West took his eyes off the road for a moment to soak in a quick view of her lovely profile. “I’m fairly sure that was the real you last night, Viola. You were magnificent.”

“I’m a spinster.”


“And I’ll remain a spinster. Once again, I don’t accept your proposal.”

“You will.” He would make her accept him, just as soon as he dealt with Laxton. He had too much to live for now. He wouldn’t allow that miscreant to sink a bullet in him.

“I won’t. But let’s not beleaguer this argument, Your Grace. We must present a united front, for Belinda’s sake.”

“Back to Your Grace?”

“I’m attempting to keep my head clear, my heart armored, and my spirits high. Our goal is to rescue Belinda and return her, unharmed, to your family.”

“Poor Belinda. It hit her especially hard when our mother died,” West said, some ways down the road. “Belinda was her favorite. Betsy has always been stoic, but Belinda was inconsolable for years.”

“It must have been so difficult for you and your sisters.”

“I should have told Blanche and Belinda whatLaxton said about them. What if we’re too late? I’ll never forgive myself.”

“You haven’t forgiven yourself for too many things.”

“And now I may have to commit murder.”

Viola turned, her bonnet ribbons fluttering in the breeze. “Murdering, or being murdered, won’t solve anything. It will only make things worse. Violence is never the answer.”

“And yet sometimes it’s unavoidable.”

Even though they couldn’t see eye to eye on anything today except rescuing Belinda, West was very glad Viola sat beside him. Facing this alone would have been unbearable. He simply wanted to be with her. All of the time. When he wasn’t with her he thought about her constantly.

And now that she sat beside him, this horrendous situation seemed more bearable.

“We don’t know that he’s already ruined her,” she said. “We’ll deal with the situation when we know it. And we’ll take measured action. We’ll think about Belinda’s feelings first and foremost. She’ll be very frightened and very sorry right now.”

“Thank you for coming, Viola.”

“Of course. You know that I care for those girls like my own family.”

The road grew rougher and West had to concentrate on driving. A sudden wind whipped up and Viola clutched her bonnet to her head.

“Are we nearly there?” she asked sometime later, when the horses were beginning to flag and the wind had picked up even more.

He gestured into the distance. “The Coach and Horses is up ahead. We’ll try there first. If they’re not there we can ask if they stopped through.”

West threw the lead to a groom upon arrival and they entered the coaching inn. They followed a narrow passageway that opened into a large taproom. The first thing West saw was Belinda sitting at a table, her head cradled in her arms, sobbing as if her heart were broken.

Chapter Twenty-Eight
