Page 129 of Duke Most Wicked

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Later that evening at Westbury House Viola and West were sitting with his sisters, except for Birdie, who had gone to bed, when there was a knock at the door.

“Who could that be at this late hour?” Viola asked.

“That will be Lord Flanders,” said Blanche, blushing. “He’s just now returned from his estate, where he was speaking with his father. He’ll be wanting to speak with you, West.”

“What’s this?” West asked.

Blanche’s eyes shone. “He’s proposed and I accepted. With your blessing, of course.”

Bernadette lifted her nose from the novel she was reading. “I heartily approve. He has a good scientific mind.”

“Flanders?” West exclaimed. “But I thought you had no affection for him, Blanche.”

“I thought the same thing—I’ve no idea why. It hit me so suddenly, as though storm clouds had cleared from my mind. I’ve loved him all along. I assume you’ll give him your blessing since you tried to force me to marry him at one point.”

“And you were dead set against it. You wailed and carried on.”

“He’s a dear, sweet, honorable man. I just couldn’t see it because I was so fixated on Laxton. Who turned out to be horrid and unworthy.”

Belinda lowered her eyes. “The most horrid man in London.”

“So you actually want to marry Flanders?” West asked.

“As soon as possible. We’re very much in love.”

“Oh, Blanche. That’s wonderful.” Viola rose and gave her a hug.

“Lord Flanders to see you, Your Grace,” Sebastian announced.

“I’ll entertain him in my study.” West chuckled. “This is an unexpected development. But I must have foreseen it when I chose him for you. I think I can take most of the credit.”

Viola laughed as West left the room. “I’m so glad for you, Blanche. I know you two will be very happy.”

“Viola,” said Bernadette, “there’s something I want to talk to you about. Your friend the Duchess of Ravenwood has invited me to travel to Greece to assist her and her husband with an important archaeological expedition. Please say you’ll convince West to allow me to go. Please, please,please.”

“It could be dangerous.”

“The duchess will protect me. She’s promised to teach me how to wield a dagger.”

“I want to learn how to fight with a dagger,” Betsy said. “Why does Bernadette get to have all the fun?”

“I’ll talk to him,” Viola promised. “I do think it would be an enriching adventure for you.”

“Really and truly?” Bernadette asked.

“Really and truly.”

Viola spoke with West about it that very night as they lay in bed together reading. He was reluctant, at first, but she had her methods of persuasion.

“Do you know, West,” she said much later, after they were sated and tangled in each other’s arms. “I’ve come to the conclusion that being a duchess is remarkably similar to conducting an orchestra. One must be ever vigilant, able to perform a dozen tasks at once, and be comfortable with hundreds of pairs of eyes watching your every move.”

“I knew you’d be the perfect duchess.”

“I didn’t know it. I was intimidated by the prospect.”

“You rise to every challenge. You were superb tonight. You touched everyone’s hearts with holiday cheer.” He cupped her cheek with his hand. “But you completely stole mine. Merry Christmas, my love.”

His kiss was tender and reverent... and then it deepened, becoming wild and passionate until she forgot all about her notoriety and existed only for the pleasure of loving West.

And being loved by him in return.
