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“Now, see here, ye blasted—”

“I wouldn’t, Grandda,” Royal interrupted in a lethal tone. “Ainsley is right. And if thereissomething going on, I want it shut down immediately.”


“I don’t want to hear another word about it,” Royal said. “I never wanted to hear about it in the first place, so please spare me any additional palavering.”

His grandfather subsided with a grumble. “A lot of fuss and botheration over nothin’, if ye ask me.”

Royal splashed some whisky into the glass and stalked over to Angus. “Here, enjoy it while you can—before Nick finds it.”

“I intend to.” Angus took the glass and scowled at Ainsley. “And ye needn’t be givin’ me that snooty smirk, young lassie. It’s no saint ye are, I ken.”

Ainsley’s admittedly taunting smile disappeared. “What isthatsupposed to mean?”

“It means nothing.” Royal cuffed Angus on the shoulder. “Stop being an idiot, Grandda.”

The old man rounded his eyes, trying to look innocent, before retreating behind his glass.

“And instead of picking a fight with Angus,” Royal said to his wife, “why don’t you enjoy this time with your daughter? She’s not crying, for once, which is rather a miracle.”

For a moment, Ainsley looked like she might take offense. Then she gave him a charmingly rueful smile. “As always, you have an excellent grasp on the priorities, dear sir.”

It wasn’t much of an apology, but he’d take it.

Returning to his seat, Royal picked up his cup and swallowed a mouthful of cold, milky tea. It tasted wretched, and for a moment he contemplated pouring himself a large whisky.

“Do you want me to fix you a fresh cup?” Ainsley quietly asked.

He mustered a smile, reminding himself again how difficult this was for her. In the last few weeks, her life had been turned utterly on its head. “It’s fine. You play with Tira.”

She flashed him a quick smile, then settled down on her knees beside her daughter, who was once more enthusiastically rocking back and forth. When Ainsley leaned on her elbows to look into Tira’s face, it pushed her beautifully rounded arse up in the air. It was a delightful view, and for a minute or so Royal allowed himself to contemplate it in blessed peace.

He was only listening with half an ear when Ainsley asked him a question he didn’t quite catch.

“Ah, sorry, love,” he said. “What was that again?”

She glanced over her shoulder. “I said, I don’t think it will be much longer, do you?”

“What won’t be much longer?”

She frowned. “Until Tira starts crawling. Royal, are you not listening to me?”

“I ken that something else caught his attention,” Angus said with a smirk.

Still peering over her shoulder, Ainsley looked blank for a moment as Royal shot his grandfather a narrow-eyed glare. Then awareness flooded her gaze, and she flushed a bright pink. With commendable dignity, she scooted into a sitting position and neatly tucked her dress around her legs.

“I beg your pardon,” she said. “But I do like to be with her, even if sitting on the floor isn’t very ladylike.”

For a woman notoriously high in the instep, Ainsley had not an ounce of false pride when it came to her daughter. Royal loved that about her. “It’s no problem at all, sweetheart. Do just as you like.”

“Tira does seem to prefer it when I play with her on the floor, rather than holding her.”

“That’s because ye cart her about like a sack of turnips,” Angus said. “Ye’ve yet to get the hang of it.”

Royal considered dumping the contents of the teapot on his grandfather’s head.

“I hold her perfectly well,” Ainsley indignantly replied.
