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Ainsley could sense him retreating even further, and she hated that. Hated feeling like there were still so many obstacles between them. Maybe it wouldn’t be so awful to tell him part of it. After all, it was a simple statement of fact, and one he’d probably thought about already.

She looked down and began fiddling with her wedding ring. “It’s just that it’s embarrassing to discuss.”

Royal covered her hand with his, stilling her fidgets. “More embarrassing than Angus walking in on us while we were having sex?”

She glanced up with a rueful smile. “We weren’t actually having relations at that precise moment.”

“Close enough.”

“This is a different kind of embarrassing.”

He held her gaze, steadfastly waiting her out. This time it worked.

“It’s the Scottish marriage laws,” she said reluctantly. “They’re quite different from England’s.”

“Yes, everyone knows that, but what does that—” He clamped his mouth shut.

“I know. It’s awful,” she said, taking in his disgusted expression. “I didn’t wish to trouble you with it.”

“They want us to divorce,” he said in a flat tone.

She nodded.

“On what grounds?”

“Divorce on grounds of desertion takes too long, apparently. So, Mother thinks adultery is the most expedient choice.”

Anger sparked in his gaze. “Are they truly mad enough to think I would ever betray you like that?”

She twirled a finger. “It would be the other way around.”

“You’re supposed to betray me?”

“As Mamma so kindly pointed out, under those conditions the process only takes six weeks.” She hated even saying the ugly, hurtful words. “And you would no doubt be so disgusted with me that you would file for divorce without any more prompting.”

“What about the scandal? Do they not realize how it would affect your reputation?”

“I suppose they think the scandal will fade over time,” she said evasively. “My family is rich, after all.”

When he fell silent, Ainsley had to resist the temptation to fidget again.

“And where does Tira enter into this?” he finally asked.

“She doesn’t, at least if Mamma has her way. The Kendricks could keep her, with no one the wiser.”

Ainsley couldn’t bring herself to meet Royal’s gaze. All she could do was stare at their interlaced hands and listen to the thud of her heart.

“Just one more question,” he said.

Ainsley mentally braced herself. She’d already revealed too much. More would surely be fatal.

When she glanced up, her stomach pitched sideways. He looked furious enough to leap onto a horse and ride pell-mell to London to confront her parents in person.

“Yes?” she whispered.

“Doesanyonein your family even know you? Does your mother really think you would divorce me and abandon your daughter? They’re idiots if they think you would ever leave Tira again.”
