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“Thank you, Grandda,” Royal said dryly.

Then he tipped up Ainsley’s chin, drinking in the love he saw in her beautiful violet gaze. “But despite how thick I am, I want you to know that you never have to be afraid again. I will always put you and Tira first, and I will always protect you.”

She blinked a few times before leveling him with her dazzling smile, one that lit up every corner of his world.

“My loyal Royal,” she whispered. “And I will always protect you, I promise.”

“I’m counting on it, lass,” he whispered back.

Angus elbowed Henderson, who was pretending to be deaf in his best butler fashion. “Best avert yer eyes, man. The canoodlin’ is about to commence.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

Dawn fast approached. Their luggage had been stowed, and the deckhands were loading the last of the cargo and provisions onto the ship. Now all Royal had to do was say good-bye to his family and to Scotland.

The Kendrick clan huddled in the fitful light cast by lamps and torches on the pier. Kade, trying hard to be an adult, wiped his eyes on his sleeve and gave Royal a tremulous smile.

“You’ll take good care of Grandda, won’t you?” the boy asked. “He’ll miss us all very much, and he’s worried about the Kinglas estate business. He told me he’s afraid Nick won’t know what to do without him.”

Standing behind them, Nick managed to turn his laugh into a cough.

“Of course he’ll miss everyone, especially you,” Royal said. “But Angus will be busy helping with Tira. Ainsley and I would be lost without him.”

Even Kade looked dubious at that assertion. “Truly?”

“Truly. He’s helping Ainsley get the baby settled as we speak.”

Angus had turned into a wreck at the thought of leaving his family, including his beloved dogs. He’d all but broken down while saying good-bye to Kade, who’d struggled valiantly to hold back tears. The twins had started sniffling, and Victoria looked positively shattered. After the stresses of the last few days, it wasn’t a scene Royal or Nick felt equipped to manage.

Fortunately, Ainsley had taken the situation in hand. With a dramatic start, she’d announced that Tira had sneezed, and that she feared a cold coming on. Angus had been instantly diverted, bustling over to inspect his darling, held safely in her mamma’s arms. He and Ainsley held a quick discussion and decided to get the baby belowdecks and out of the wind. Grandda had then bustled back to say good-bye to Nick and Logan, clapping them on the back and telling them not to make a cock-up without him. He’d then briskly herded Ainsley and Tira on board the ship with a cheery wave good-bye.

Once more, Royal’s splendid wife had averted a crisis.

Kade gave him a wobbly smile. “Tiraishis favorite. As long as he’s got her to look after, he’ll be fine.”

Royal pulled his little brother in for a hug. “No, you will always be Grandda’s favorite,” he murmured. “And mine, too. Don’t ever forget it.”

Kade fiercely hugged him back. “I’m so happy you finally got what you deserved, Royal. You’re the best person I know.”

“Thank you.” He could barely choke out the reply.

He forced himself to let go, and ruffled his little brother’s hair. “Look after the others for me. I’ll expect reports from home on a regular basis.”

Kade nodded. “With every ship.”

Royal turned to the twins and to Braden. All three lads were clearly struggling with their emotions. They were tall, strapping young men, but in so many ways still youngsters. He knew they were taking this rushed good-bye very hard.

Sending up a silent prayer of thanks that his brothers had managed to reach Glasgow before he and Ainsley departed, Royal put an arm around each of the twins and pulled them close.

“Take care of each other, lads,” he said gruffly. “And at least try to stay out of trouble.”

“We hardly get into trouble anymore.” Grant, who’d always been the quieter and more studious twin, looked very serious. “But we’ll try even harder. We promise.”

“I know. And I’m proud of you both.”

“I’m sorry we’ve been away so much,” said Graeme. “If we’d known you were in trouble, we would have returned home immediately.”

Of all his brothers, Royal worried most about Graeme. The young man had a restless spirit and an unerring knack for trouble. Still, he had a grand, loving heart and Royal knew the rest of the family would look out for him.
