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“You have your own life now,” Royal said. “Just write to me and let me know what you’re up to.”

“Logan said we could visit you in the spring,” Grant said, cheering up. “We’ll go to Halifax with him when he sails in April, and we’ll stay for at least six months.”

“That will be jolly fun,” said Graeme.

“Splendid. Ainsley will be, er, thrilled when I tell her.” The idea of the twins let loose in the colonies was appalling.

“I’m sure she’ll be delighted,” said Victoria with a twinkle.

Braden stepped forward and grasped Royal’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, Royal. I’ll look after the twins.”

“But we’re older than you—” Graeme started to protest. Grant elbowed him to silence.

Royal had to stifle a smile. Although Braden was the second youngest Kendrick, his bespectacled brother had a gravity and maturity well beyond his years. Everyone in the family took his advice, even Nick.

“Just concentrate on those medical studies of yours,” Royal said. “When you get a chance, let me know how you get on.”

Braden gave him a tight nod and a quick hug before stepping back to join Kade, protectively resting his hands on his little brother’s shoulders.

Royal moved to embrace his sister-in-law. “And you take care of yourself, you grand, beautiful lass. I’ll miss you ordering me about.”

She let out a laugh that sounded more like a sob, and then gave him a little shake. “Take care of that family of yours, and take care of yourself, too. I won’t be happy if I hear from Angus or Ainsley that you’re working too hard.”

He smiled into her sky-blue eyes. “Thank you, Victoria. Thank you for saving the most stubborn, annoying group of men in Scotland. We were all quite lost until you came into our lives.”

“Amen,” Nick said softly.

“Drat,” Victoria said. “Stop making me cry, Royal Kendrick. You’ll give me a headache.”

“Yes, your highness,” he teased.

“Say good-bye to your brother, and then be off, you dreadful boy.” She gave him a little shove in Nick’s direction.

This was the hardest leave-taking of all. In so many ways, Nick had always been more father than brother. He’d taught Royal all the things a man should know, and loved him with a fierce, unquestioning devotion. Nick had quite literally saved his life. He was the best man Royal had ever known.

“I’m sorry I’m leaving you with such a mess,” he said, clasping Nick’s arm.

His brother snorted. “Logan and I can handle Cringlewood and any other little matters that might arise.”

Little matters like a dead body in Lady Montgomery’s drawing room. Angus was facing a potential murder charge, Royal had taken part in a thoroughly illegal duel, Ainsley had shot a British peer, and they could all very well be charged with abducting that peer’s child. Along with Angus, they’d spent the last three days hiding out at a small country inn near the River Clyde until one of Logan’s merchant vessels was ready to sail. Nick had already put it about that they’d fled to France. Along with Victoria, he’d also begun exerting considerable legal and social pressure to manage the fraught situation.

Still, there was no doubt it would take months and possibly years to resolve, and much depended on convincing Cringlewood to stand down. Until that happened, who knew when they would see Scotland or England again?

But if anyone could get them home, Nick could.

In the meantime, there were certainly worse things than starting a new life in a new land with the woman you loved and the child of your heart. It was an unfortunate necessity that Angus was also forced to leave his home, but he was growing reconciled to it. As long as he had Tira and a purpose in life—a good part of which constituted bossing Ainsley about—the old fellow should be just fine.

Royal waggled a hand. “Still, we both know it won’t be easy. And here I am, running off and leaving you to manage everything. It’s not fair, is it?”

His brother took him by the shoulders. “Listen to me, Royal. I am incredibly proud of you. I’ve always been proud of you. I want you to be well, and I want you to be happy. No one, and I mean no one, has worked harder for happiness or deserves it more. Do you understand me?”

Unable to speak past the boulder clogging his throat, Royal nodded.

Nick pulled him close. “I’m going to miss you, little brother,” he said in a hoarse whisper. “More than you can possibly know.”

They held on until Logan placed a firm hand on Royal’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, lad, but it’s time to go or you’ll miss the tide.”

Royal was grateful for the intervention. Nick looked entirely gutted, and both Victoria and Kade were now openly crying. Royal felt like his heart was cracking wide open.
