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“Royal, I—”

He plucked the book from her lap and lifted an eyebrow. “Spinoza? Really?”

“I was trying to lull myself into a doze.”

“That would do it.”

After placing the book on the table, he reached for the teapot and replenished her cup. “Here, have some more tea. I suspect my sudden appearance has given you a shock, although no doubt a welcome one.”

She eyed him, not trusting his cheerful mood. “You’re sure of that, are you?”

“Without a doubt. We always get along so splendidly.”

“Perhaps, when we’re not trying to kill each other.”

“Drink.” He handed her the cup.

After a few sips, which did seem to steady her, she put down her cup and adopted a stern expression. “Mr. Kendrick—”

“Mr. Kendrick? Pet, I think we’re beyond such formalities, especially under the present circumstances.”

“Mr.Kendrick,” she repeated firmly, “I do not want you to take this the wrong way—”

He flashed a roguish grin. “You’re sure of that, are you?”

She contemplated stabbing him with the cake knife.

He took in her glare. “All right, I promise I won’t tease anymore.”

“A promise you will no doubt break within the next ten minutes.”

“Ainsley, it’s just so bloody good to see you that I couldn’t help myself.”

Hewasstudying her with obvious pleasure, which she found rather perplexing. “Royal, what are you doing here? Now is not the most convenient time for visitors.”

“Yes, but I had no way of knowing that.”

“You know very well that you shouldn’t just pop in on people without warning. Nothing in my letters suggested for a moment that you should.”

It had been a mistake to write to him, but she’d been bored, lonely, and afraid of what lay before her. While Royal often drove her into a mental frenzy, he also made her feel safe, as odd as it seemed. Sending those letters had eased her anxiety, as if setting words to page would somehow protect her and the baby from harm.

“Victoria was worried about you, so she suggested I ride up here and see if you were all right.” His shrug was apologetic. “It seemed like a sensible suggestion at the time.”

Her heart stuttered as she pressed a quick hand to her belly. “Do you think Victoria knows about this?”

“No, pet. She simply sensed something was wrong. Nothing specific.”

“Thank God.” Then she mustered a scowl. “Apparently, it didn’t occur to you to give me some notice before charging north on your noble steed.”

He weighed his reply. Or perhaps he was simply pondering what to eat next, since he reached across her for a meringue.

“It occurred to me. But you might have told me not to come,” he said before swallowing the tart whole.

“Will youpleasestop shoveling food into your mouth? It’s like watching a vulture attack a carcass.”

He smiled. “You’re one to talk.”

“I’m allowed, you brute. I’m eating for two.”
