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“It wasn’t by choice, I assure you,” Ainsley said dryly.

Royal hauled himself to his feet, regarding Lady Margaret with something akin to astonishment. Ainsley understood exactly how he felt.

Lady Margaret Baird was the daughter of an earl and the granddaughter of a duchess. She was both wealthy and well connected, and could live however she chose—which in her case meant taking the occasional lover and dressing like an Eastern pasha in wildly colored silk banyans and matching headgear. In her later years, it had also meant an increasingly reclusive lifestyle, tucked away on her estate in this quiet corner of the Highlands.

“Then what the devil are you doing up here, young man?” Aunt Margaret demanded. “Why didn’t you wait in the drawing room until I arrived?”

“I did,” Royal said. “After a considerable time, I assumed everyone had forgotten I was there.”

“I was taking a nap,” the old woman said.

“Well, that explains it,” Royal said with polite sarcasm.

“It actually does,” Ainsley said. Her aunt’s afternoon nap was sacrosanct. No one dared interrupt it unless the house was burning down, and possibly not even then.

“I take it you know my niece,” Aunt Margaret said.

Royal nodded. “We’re friends.”

“And who are you? For some reason, Betty couldn’t remember your name.”

“She was too busy flirting to commit it to memory,” Ainsley couldn’t help saying.

Her aunt ran a practiced eye over Royal’s figure. “Can’t really blame the gel for that, I suppose. Heisa fine-looking specimen.”

Ainsley glanced at Royal’s expression and had to swallow a chuckle.

“This is Royal Kendrick, Aunt,” she managed. “Lord Arnprior’s brother.”

“So, you’re one of the Kendrick boys, are you?” She glanced at Ainsley. “Ididfancy his brother, at one point. A lovely, braw laddie. We got along splendidly, as I recall.”

Royal looked appalled. “Ah, do you mean the earl?”

“Lord, no. He’s a handsome fellow but much too starched-up for my tastes. I meant the next one down. Logan, I believe was his name. Such lovely shoulders.” She winked at Ainsley. “Not to mention the rest of him.”

“Good God,” Royal muttered.

“Well, enough reminiscing of days gone by,” Aunt Margaret said, once more looking severe. “You’re here now, Mr. Royal Kendrick, and I suppose we’ll just have to deal with you.”

“It’s all right,” Ainsley said. “I’ll take care of him.”

“What you will do is take a nap.Iwill have a little chat with Mr. Royal, and find out exactly why he’s here.”

Ainsley’s heart jumped as if the baby had just elbowed it. “Oh, he’s just visiting—”

“I will be happy to speak to her ladyship,” Royal said firmly.

When Ainsley started to protest, her aunt threw her a sharp look and gave a tiny shake of her head.

There was no arguing with the old girl once she’d made up her mind. Besides, what choice did she have? Aunt Margaret had so far guarded her secrets with canny loyalty. Ainsley had to trust she would know how to throw Royal off the scent.

“If you’re such a good friend, help the gel up,” her aunt said. “Can’t do it on her own anymore. Sometimes we forget about her, and then she has to spend all afternoon stuck on the chaise.”

“She’s joking,” Ainsley explained, when Royal looked outraged. Still, she couldn’t help blushing to the roots of her hair. Her aunt was themostembarrassing person, if also the kindest.

Royal hooked a hand under her arm, easily hoisting her off the chaise. When Ainsley staggered, he carefully supported her until she was steady.

“Sorry,” she said. “My balance isn’t very good these days.”

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