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“You are an unrepentant wretch.”

“Maybe, but I also thought I should ask your opinion before making any final decisions.”

“Your alarming depiction of my future has convinced me that we should move out of Kendrick House as soon as possible.” She glanced sideways at him. “I hope you’re not offended by that. It’s a lovely house, and I’m sure you enjoy living there.”

He pulled her closer. “Ainsley, please believe that I want nothing more than for you and Tira to be happy. I will do everything within my power to make that happen.”

Her lush mouth slowly curved into a dazzling smile. “I don’t care what anyone says about you, Royal Kendrick. You are quite a nice man.”

“Your flattery is overwhelming, my lady.”

She squeezed his arm. “I don’t want you getting a swelled head. One in the family is quite enough.”

“Nonsense. You’re not in the least conceited. Merely confident.” Or at least she had been, until Cringlewood got his hands on her.

“That’s not what your grandfather thinks. He called me aSassenachsaucebox just the other day.”

“Did he? Then I’d better have a little chat with him.” Royal understood why Angus didn’t trust her, but enough was enough.

“Don’t be ridiculous. I can certainly handle the old goat—er, fellow. And that insult at least had a rather nice ring to it.”

“You shouldn’t have to handle anyone. My family needs to respect you, or else they’ll answer to me.”

“That’s not how respect works, Royal. I have to earn theirs. If, that is, I think it’s worth the bother,” she said with a dramatic wave. “As long as Victoria and Kade like me, that’s all I really care about.”

“You know, you actually are a bit of a saucebox.”

“Undoubtedly. Now, back to this mysterious town house. Will we be able to afford something suitable?”

“We’ll manage.”

“Royal, you know I won’t be able to depend on help from my family,” she said, turning serious. “And I have very little money of my own, so it’s likely I will be a penniless bride.”

He didn’t care about the money but could sense her embarrassment. And for her sake, he hated how unfair it was.

“It won’t be a problem even without your marriage settlements,” he said. “But I take it that you have yet to hear from either of your parents.”

“I wrote to them shortly after our first discussion, but they have yet to reply. Perhaps it’s just not been long enough,” she said, sounding a bit anxious.

“I’m sorry to hear that, but in any case, you’re not to be concerned about our finances. Logan is increasing my responsibilities and giving me a bigger salary. We should have no trouble finding a suitable place.” He paused, feeling a bit awkward. “It won’t be Kendrick House or what you’re used to, but it won’t embarrass you either.”

Ainsley had grown up in the lap of luxury, her every material wish fulfilled. He couldn’t help but worry she might miss the fripperies and the legions of servants at her beck and call.

She waved a dismissive hand. “It’s fine if our accommodations are fairly modest, as long as it’s comfortable and Tira is happy.”

Royal tried not to look skeptical. Her irritated glance indicated failure on his part.

“If living in luxury mattered,” she said, “I would have married Lord Cringlewood, no matter what he’d done to me. Or I could have convinced my parents to accept one of my other suitors. I am still considered a desirable prospect on the marriage mart, even though I cut my eyeteeth long ago.”

“I don’t doubt that for a moment.” He gently bumped her shoulder with his. “Despite your advanced years.”

She ignored his teasing. “I could spend my life in the lap of luxury, but none of that would mean anything if I couldn’t be with my daughter. Tira is what matters to me.”

Royal’s heart sank. Of course, it was always about Tira. He’d hoped for more from Ainsley, but it seemed friendship and shared parenthood would have to suffice.

“I understand perfectly,” he said.

She made an exasperated sound. “Clearly you don’t, because theotherperson I want to be with is you. That would be glaringly obvious by now if you weren’t such a stubborn thickhead.”
