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“All complications are most welcome, I assure you.”

“You’re as unhinged as I am,” she said, getting up. She briskly whacked imaginary dirt from her skirts. “So, we’re to abandon the family home and set up housekeeping on our own. I suspect that will go over with a resounding thud, especially from Angus.”

“I’m hoping it’ll encourage the old fellow to go back to Kinglas, where he belongs.”

“Live in hope, I always say.”

“Really? Because I don’t believe I’ve ever heard you say that. Quite the opposite, in fact.”

“I’ve decided that one pessimist in the family is quite enough,” she said with a grandiose wave. “From now on, I will be the sunniest and most optimistic person you know. I cede my crown as resident grump to you.”

“Care to place a bet on how long that will last? I give it ten minutes.”

She swatted him on the shoulder. “You really are the most irritating man I haveevermet.”

He stood. “Ten seconds. Now, what do I win?”

“The honor of taking me back for lunch. I’m starving.”

“Of course you are.” He ducked when she tried to hit him again.

Chapter Thirteen

Ainsley felt giddy with relief. For the first time in months, she had a real chance at happiness again, thanks to the extraordinary man who strolled by her side. Behind that sarcastic and sometimes arrogant façade lay a sensitive, thoughtful man who gave her everything she needed, including time and patience. Yet he asked for nothing in return but the chance to love her and be a father to her daughter.

That Royal indeed loved her and wanted her in his bed was no longer in doubt. Ainsley wanted that too, someday, and she would do everything she could to make that someday happen sooner rather than later. Whatever stood between them, she wanted it gone. She wanted to want Royal as much as he wanted her.

“What are you smiling at, lass?” he asked, tucking her close as they crossed the quiet street. There wasn’t a carriage or even a cart in sight, yet he guarded her as carefully as if she were the queen.

“It certainly wasn’t your description of the service rooms in that town house you viewed this morning,” she said. “As scintillating as that was.”

He gave her a crooked grin. “I realize you’re not very interested in cold rooms and pantries. We’ll find a butler to manage that end of things. I don’t want you bogged down with boring details if you’d rather not.”

“Royal, you do understand I was raised to manage large households, including country manors. I’m quite up to the task of running a small town house.”

“It won’t bethatsmall.”

She squeezed his arm. “Whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

He remained worried she would find it difficult to adjust to a life outside the highest echelons of theton. Though Ainsley was in fact heartily sick of that life, she suspected it might take a little time to convince him of that.

“If it wasn’t the anticipation of installing a bang-up-to-the-mark range in your new kitchen, what were you smiling at?” he asked.

“It’s going to sound rather silly.”

“Love, you’re marrying into a family with several exceedingly silly members, not to mention the dogs. You have a long way to go to challenge us.”

She laughed. “So true.”

“Then confess. If that smile has anything to do with me, I want to make sure I know how to prompt it as often as possible.”

When they stopped at the foot of the stone steps that led up to Kendrick House, Ainsley took Royal’s hands.

“For the first time in a very long time, I’m truly happy.” Her nose started to tickle a bit, which tended to happen when she became emotional. “And it’s because of you, Royal. I can never be grateful enough for everything you’ve done for me and Tira.”

He gently extracted his right hand and cupped her cheek. He’d stripped off his gloves back in the park, so she could feel the warmth of his palm, tough with calluses. That hand spoke of strength and hard work, and a man who would do whatever was necessary to provide for his family.

“Ainsley, your happiness is thanks enough.” His gaze swept over her face, warming with an appreciation that made her knees go wobbly. “For you and Tira to be happy and safe means everything to me.”
