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But for all that, something shone through the rather stilted pose—his parents’ great love for each other. The artist had captured the pride in the earl’s eyes as he gazed down at his countess, her head tilted into his shoulder, as if she would nestle against him. Royal had studied that painting more times than he could count, but tonight it shimmered with fresh energy.

For the first time in a long time, he missed his parents with a yearning that felt almost new.

“It’s my wedding night,” he said to the silent figures above him. “Yet here I am spending it alone. No wifeorfamily to celebrate with.” He thought about that for a second, and couldn’t help laughing. “And I’m talking to my dead parents.”

It was entirely in keeping with the bizarre state of his life.

Whisky it is.

He headed over to the drinks trolley and splashed some of the rich amber brew into a crystal glass. Settling into the leather chair behind his brother’s desk, he cast a negligent glance at the ledgers stacked on the polished wood. Nick had asked him to check a few items having to do with the sale of cattle last month, when he had time. Since Ainsley had either fallen asleep in the nursery or retreated to her bed, Royal definitely had time. Sleep would surely elude him as he imagined his bride slumbering peacefully in the room next to his, clad in nothing but a frivolous nightgown that displayed her ample curves.

Don’t think about it, you moron.

As he opened the accounts, he heard a quick footstep on the stone floor in the hall. Royal ignored the leaping of his heart, since it was probably Taffy coming to retrieve the untouched tea tray.

Ainsley peeked her head around the door. “May I come in?”

He pushed back and hurried around the desk. “Of course you can. You need never ask.”

“I wasn’t sure if you were still awake, but it seemed best to check.” She flashed him a wry smile. “After all, tonight is officially our first night together. It would be a poor reflection on my spousal responsibilities if I abandoned the groom without even bidding him good night. You might start looking about for a new wife.”

“Iwasbeginning to feel quite sorry for myself,” he said, returning her smile. “But instead of drawing up advertisements for a new bride, I’ve been drowning my sorrows in the estate accounts.”

“How madcap of you.” She glanced at his glass on the desk. “But that’s not the only thing you’ve been drowning your sorrows in, I suspect.”

“I thought I should celebrate our marriage with a wee dram, even if it was a celebration of one.”

“Oh, Lord, that is an utterly dreary picture. I am an awful wife, aren’t I? I should probably sit down and help you draw up that advertisement.”

He lifted her hand to his mouth, pressing a quick kiss to her soft skin. “Don’t fash yourself, lass. I’m only teasing. I know you want to spend as much time as you can with Tira.”

“I certainly got to spend some time with her tonight,” she said, stifling a yawn. “She took forever to fall asleep.”

“I certainly hope she wasn’t crying the entire time.”

“Only when we put her down in her crib,” she said dryly. “I thought it was me, but she was just as bad with Lucy. So we had to take turns walking with her until she finally dozed off.”

Royal frowned. Lucy had been one of Tira’s nursemaids from the beginning. “That’s odd. Lucy is almost as good with the baby as Angus. I hope Tira’s not catching a fever.”

It had been a damp, rainy drive north, so even though Tira had been heavily swaddled to keep out the chill, he still couldn’t help but worry.

“Lucy suspects she’s breaking another tooth.”

“But she did let you hold her without crying? That sounds like progress.”

This time Ainsley’s wide smile was genuine. “She did, although she also got in several good yanks of my hair. I suspect I now have a bald spot.”

Royal glanced at her perfectly coiffed head. “For a woman who was just mauled by a fractious baby, you are as elegant as always.”

“You say that now, but I looked alarmingly like Angus after he’s been standing out in a high wind. I had to ask the maid to redo my hair before I dared venture downstairs.”

“You didn’t need to fuss on my account, sweetheart.” He was eager for the day when he could see Ainsley’s shiny black locks tumbling down around her shoulders. Her naked shoulders, preferably.

“My lady’s maid was upstairs anyway, since she had to help me change my gown.” When he glanced at her dress, she arched her eyebrows with polite sarcasm. “You didn’t notice, did you?”

He shrugged. “Sorry. It’s a very nice gown.”

“You are a sadly typical male, Royal Kendrick. Remind me never to go shopping with you.”
