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It was true that he rarely made note of her attire, primarily because he was too entranced by what wasinsidethe gowns to register trivialities like fabric or color. He was always captivated by the swell of her full white breasts over the trim of her bodice, or the lush curve of her delightful backside, showcased by clinging skirts.

“I promise to be vastly more attentive now that we’re married,” he said. “Every time you change, I will make note of all details, down to the bows on your shoes.”

“It won’t matter. Here in the hinterlands, I could prance around in a potato sack or a ragged old kilt and no one would take note.”

“You know us feckless Highlanders. But I promise to don a new shirt at least twice a week, whether I need to or not. Now, tell me why you had to change. Did Tira have another unfortunate incident?”

Ainsley ruefully nodded. “As usual, her aim is infallible. I wasn’t even holding her, yet she still managed to hit my bodice. Without, I might add, getting anything on Lucy. I swear I’ve become a magnet for baby vomit.”

“That is an alarming attribute to discover in one’s bride.” Royal steered her over to the chaise in front of the fireplace. “However, you have certainly earned a drink.”

“Or three,” she said as she collapsed in a graceful heap on the cushions. “Although one will likely put me to sleep in short order.”

He fetched her a brandy, and joined her on the chaise. “That isn’t much of a wedding night celebration for you, either. I’m sorry about that.”

After taking a healthy sip, Ainsley let out a satisfied sigh. “Believe me, when I consider what my fate might have been, this seems splendid. I will take a moldy old castle in the Highlands over marriage to Cringlewood any day.”

“High praise indeed,” Royal said wryly. “But to be serious, I truly regret that we were forced to skulk out of town like a pair of Highland bandits. You deserved better, sweetheart.”

She grimaced. “No, you’re the one who deserved better. Forcing your hand was most unfair to you and your family. People are bound to talk about how we rushed into this, and that was exactly what you were trying to avoid.”

“You did not force my hand, and you’re daft if you think I care about any of that for my sake. I have every confidence Nick and Victoria will manage any gossip.”

“I hope they can also manage my mother. After reading my letter this morning, I expect she tore over to Kendrick House in a towering fury.”

“Nick is more than a match for Lady Aldridge.”

Her gaze slid away, as if she wanted to avoid his eye. “I should have stood my ground and told Mamma myself, but I’m a bit of a coward when it comes to my parents. They can be very determined and more than a little volatile, as you know.”

After relieving her of the brandy glass, Royal took her hand, weaving their fingers together. “You are anything but a coward, as the last year has shown. And I don’t blame you for not wanting to confront your mother again. The encounter would not have been pleasant, I suspect.”

“You can be sure of that,” she said quietly.

He decided to voice the concern that had been nagging at him since Lady Aldridge’s sudden appearance at Kendrick House. “I wish you had let me speak to your mother, love. I would have been happy to explain that I will always provide for your well-being and protection, regardless of your family’s support or lack thereof.”

When she started to protest, he gently squeezed her hand. “I would have also made it clear that we expect her silence regarding Tira’s parentage. Your mother needs to know that there is nothing to be gained from telling Cringlewood or anyone else the truth about the child.”

“I know you only want to help,” she said. “But my mother would have seen you as impertinent and interfering, and picked a fight with you.”

“That was why I suggested I meet with her alone,” he said patiently. “She cannot upset me as she does you, Ainsley.”

She withdrew her hand, looking tense and unhappy. “Mamma can be rather awful when she puts her mind to it. I . . . well, such a meeting wouldn’t have been good for either of you, Royal.”

She surely knew he would never hurt or demean her mother. Was she worried about what her mother would say to him? What could Lady Aldridge possibly reveal about Ainsley that he didn’t already know?

“Besides, I explained everything in the letter I sent to Mamma this morning. Now that we’re married, there’s no point in telling anyone about Tira. And believe me, she’ll want to avoid the scandal, especially since the Kendricks have rallied behind me.” She cast an embarrassed look down at her lap. “Although that’s probably not true. I’m sure your family is quite appalled by our hasty marriage. Even Kade seemed gloomy about it.”

“Then you haven’t been paying attention, Mrs. Kendrick.” He couldn’t help but smile at the sound of her new name on his tongue. “Victoria is positively ecstatic that we’ve finally tied the knot. As for Kade, he was disappointed he didn’t get to play at our wedding. He’d been working on a new piece to honor the occasion.”

She winced. “We did behave in a rather ramshackle fashion. I cannot imagine what that poor minister thought of me. I was such an emotional wreck.”

Royal diplomatically refrained from agreeing with her. “I’m sure you were the prettiest bride the fellow has ever seen.”

“I didn’t even have time to change into something decent. I looked a perfect fright.”

Royal leaned in to kiss the tip of her nose. “You’reperfect, and don’t ever forget it.”

Ainsley had been in such a panic that she’d refused to waste time returning to Breadie Manor for a more suitable gown. Less than three hours after Lady Aldridge stormed out of Kendrick House, Royal and Ainsley had made their vows at the local kirk, with only the family members already in town to witness the event. Although the laxity of Scotland’s marriage laws had worked in their favor, a church wedding—no matter how small and rushed—would serve as irrefutable evidence that he and Ainsley were well and truly wed.

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