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Uncle Riddick had suggested exactly that. After that awful run-in between Roddy and Logan, Donella had dashed off a panicked letter to him, asking for guidance. He’d replied that it was finally time to tell Alasdair about her history with Roddy Murray. Since the Murrays were now in Glasgow, it made sense for her cousin to deal with the situation.

Besides, it seemed clear that Mungo Murray had ignored her uncle’s warning, and that meant drastic measures were necessary. While Mungo might feel confident enough to ignore an old man, facing down Captain Alasdair Gilbride was another matter entirely.

“I was planning on doing that,” she confessed. “I’m just trying to work up my nerve.”

“It’s about something that happened when he was fighting in the war, isn’t it? While you were still betrothed?”

She gave a miserable nod.

“Pet, Alec loves you. He would do anything for you, as would I.”

Donella mustered a smile. “I know. Thank you.”

“And if you think you can shock him, it’s impossible. God knows I’ve tried over the years, too.”

“He says you just drive him demented.”

Eden laughed. “It’s rather my mission in life, and I think you should make it your mission to drive Logan Kendrick demented, too. In fact, you’re already doing a jolly good job of it, from what I can see.”

“The opposite, I’m afraid. He’s driving me insane.”

“Then it sounds like you’re perfect for each other.”

“I . . . I don’t know about that.”

Eden took Donella’s hands in a comforting grip. “All I can advise is to give yourself a chance and give Logan a chance. You might be surprised at what could happen.”

Perhaps she was right. Perhaps it was time to stop being afraid.

“All right. I’ll try.”

Her cousin wagged a finger. “Obviously, that means you can’t keep avoiding him.”

“But it’s so much easier that way,” she said with a weak smile.

“Trust me. You can try, but the chickensalwayscome home to roost.”

Donella rose from the dressing table. “They already have, and I’m afraid they’ve made quite the mess.”

* * *

Logan craned around, trying to spot Donella in the throng. Scots didn’t make a fuss about Christmas, but that hadn’t stopped what seemed like half the population of Glasgow from squeezing into Breadie Manor. The guests were quaffing enormous amounts of champagne, inhaling tables of food like locusts, and having a splendid time being shocked by Papist holiday extravagance. Between the crowd and the Christmas greenery that cluttered every available inch of space, it was a miracle anyone could see ten feet ahead.

The fact that Edie was also missing meant she’d probably gone upstairs to fetch her reluctant cousin. Logan had never had trouble courting a woman before, but Donella was making it a hell of a challenge.

The encounter with Roddy Murray had put the cat amongst the pigeons. Since then, Logan had been working to get to the bottom of the mystery between the Murray and Haddon families, although answers were elusive. He’d fully intended to call on Mungo bloody Murray and drag the truth out of him until Nick had forbidden it.

Not that Logan wouldn’t disobey Nick, but his brother had pointed out that forcing a confrontation would embarrass Donella and would hardly help in the wooing department. Nick had then suggested writing to Lord Riddick, asking for guidance. When Logan did so, his lordship’s reply had all but told him to sod off, stating it was Haddon family business and that Alec would deal with it.

Nevertheless, Logan intended to have a quiet little chat with Alec as soon as he could drag him away from his guests.

After another quick scan, he left the ballroom and headed down the crowded corridor to check the dining room for Donella. Even if he found her, however, there was no guarantee she would talk to him. It wasn’t just the annoying Murray mystery that was holding her back. It was Jeannie MacArthur, too. Gossip had already spread through the city, not surprisingly, given they’d once been expected to marry. And now that Jeannie was a widow and he was rich some people would naturally start making assumptions.

It hadn’t helped that the one damn day Donella had stopped by Kendrick House to fetch Joseph was the very day Jeannie, along with her mother and aunt, had come calling. Victoria had not wished to appear rude, especially since Jeannie’s aunt was married to a clan chieftain, so she received them.

Thank God Nick had been away. But Logan had been trapped with the ladies for a good half hour. It hadn’t taken long to gain the distinct impression that Jeannie and her relatives were mentally riffling his pockets and calculating his financial worth. After making his escape as soon as he could, he had run smack-dab into Donella in the hall, preparing to leave with Joseph. When Logan suggested going with them, she’d all but given him the cut-direct, as had his son.

It was a damn mess, both with Joseph and the woman he intended to marry. He’d better get it sorted tonight or God only knew what would happen.
