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“Because of this.”

He swooped down and captured her mouth in a soul-searing kiss that blasted every thought and every reservation straight to oblivion.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Donella tasted like honey and sunshine. Her kiss was like everything Logan had been missing for so long—goodness, laughter, and sweet joy. And despite her obvious trepidation, her innocent fervor set him afire. With Donella in his arms, Logan could believe it was safe to open his heart and love again.

He knew, as well as he knew himself, that once Donella gaveherheart, she would give it forever. He wanted that more than he could say.

When he gently teased the seam of her mouth, she froze for a moment and Logan’s heart skipped a beat. But then she opened for him with an endearing little whimper, as if part of her wanted to resist but a larger part couldn’t deny the fire between them.

Still, he had to be sure. She was unused to the ways of men—especially men like him.

He briefly tasted her silky warmth. Her mouth was a luscious invitation to explore other intimate places, where he could drink her in until she shook with passion and cried out in his arms.

The image of her naked before him ravaged him like a storm. It urged him to spread her out on the chaise and strip the clothes from her beautiful body.

With a mighty effort, Logan throttled back. He nuzzled her mouth and gave her lower lip a soft tug. She moaned, which almost demolished his willpower before he retreated.

Donella sucked in a wavering breath, her parted lips moist and raspberry-red from his attentions. Large, black pupils stood in stark contrast to the vibrant green that surrounded them. Her cheeks were flushed, and she looked altogether ready to be stripped naked and kissed from the top of her pretty head right down to her wee, soft toes.

“Why are you stopping?” she whispered.

He adjusted his hold, resisting the temptation to push down the sleeve that was already slipping off her shoulder. “Because I want you to be sure about this.”

Her fine, auburn brows pulled together in an eloquent line. “Since I am neither boxing your ears nor shrieking at the top of my lungs, I would seem to be quite sure. And that is an appalling lack of decorum on my part, I must say.”

Logan hid a smile against her forehead.

“Are you laughing at me?” she suspiciously asked.

“Never, love. I’m simply enjoying you. Enjoying this.”

Donella shyly smiled in return. “I’m rather enjoying it, too.”

God, she was lovely, a slender lass with a sweet arse and soft breasts that plumped up over her tight bodice. Her dress had twisted around her body, outlining her long legs and exposing her pretty ankles. Logan could already imagine those legs propped up over his shoulders as he knelt between them, using his mouth and tongue to explore her.

He had to clamp down on the need to flip her over onto the chaise and begin that exploration without further ado. Donella was a virgin, and she was to be his wife. She deserved her first time to be as gentle and as pleasurable as he could make it.

“I’m very glad to hear it,” he said, gently rubbing his thumb along her exposed collarbone.

He was a bare inch away from that sagging sleeve, which tempted him beyond all reason. He had always been attracted to Donella but was discovering that his attraction had stealthily transformed into something very close to obsession.

Or love.

Not yet, he cautioned himself. Not until he was sure of her.

“Do you think we can get back to the kissing?” she asked in a hopeful voice.

“Of course. As I said, I just need to make sure you’re comfortable with this.”

She wriggled a bit, trying to pull herself up to a sitting position. Logan had to bite back a moan as her round little bottom pressed down on his cock.

“As I already said—” Her eyes popped wide as she finally noticed his erection. “Well, I’m certainly not ready forthat.”

He let out a strangled laugh. “Of course not. But I want to know if you are ready forthis. For us to be together, starting down this road. And what that will ultimately mean.”

She thought about it, and then gave him another tentative smile. “I think so. I’d like to try it, anyway. But nothing more than kissing, for now.”
