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“Dinna be threatenin’ my grandson, ye daftSassenach,” Angus said. “Of course he’ll be marryin’ the lass.”

Lady Reese bristled like a hedgehog. “Now, see here, Mr. whatever-your-name is, I will abide no Highland nonsense from you or anyone else.” She gave a loud sniff. “Deranged, the whole lot of you.”

“Mamma, that’s not helpful,” Edie said, jerking her head toward Donella.

“Miss Haddon knows I am not referring to her. After Lady Arnprior and myself, she is the most sensible person in this room. The men, however, are all idiots.”

Angus stomped up to her. “What ye are is a stuck-upSassenach—”

“Enough,” Donella yelled.

Logan winced, since she was standing but a few inches away from him. The lass had a healthy pair of lungs.

“Lady Reese is correct,” Donella said. “In fact, I’m so sensible that I’m leaving this deranged scene right now.”

She stormed out of the room without a second glance at Logan or anyone else.

“Backstairs, dearest,” Edie called, rushing after her.

“Oh, dear,” Victoria said, following her.

Lady Reese inspected the rest of them with haughty regard. “Highlanders. Morons.”

Then she, too, sailed from the room.

“That went well,” Nick sardonically commented.

Angus stomped over and clapped Logan on the shoulder. “Best elope with the lassie tonight, ye ken. Dinna want to let her get away from ye.”

“No elopements,” Alec barked. “I won’t have it.”

Logan sighed. “I need a drink.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

Donella helped Joseph down to the drive, murmuring her thanks to the groom who held open the carriage door.

“It was fun to stay overnight at Breadie Manor,” the little boy said. “We had a Christmas party in the nursery.”

“I wish I might have joined you. I’m sure it was jollier than our party.”

Given the humiliating events of last night, there was little doubt of that.

True, therehadbeen that enjoyable interlude with Logan. But having been discovered in the middle of it, probably the most embarrassing moment of her life, diminished any fond remembrance.

She’d put Logan in a terrible position, all but ensuring he’d have to marry her. The fact that he seemed fairly keen on the idea still puzzled and worried her. She suspected it had little to do with love.

And let’s not forget the issue of Roddy and your—

“Hurry up, Donella,” Joseph said as he tugged her toward the front portico. “Auntie Edie said there’d be leftover cakes and all sorts of good things for lunch today.”

Since it was Boxing Day, most of the servants would have the day off. But there was plenty of food left over from the party, including a vast array of sweets.

Despite her personal disaster, the Christmas festivities had gone off without a hitch. That was one thing she could be proud of.

“Thank you for taking me to church today,” Joseph added. “Papa and I went yesterday, but he always forgets the words to the carols.”

Donella repressed a smile as they climbed the steps. “I was very happy to go with you.”

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