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She’d needed church this morning, given her atrocious conduct last night. A month ago, she’d been preparing to take her final vows as a nun. Now she was engaging in scandalous behavior with alarming regularity.

Perhaps you can take up highway robbery in your spare time.

Donella knew exactly who to blame. Logan Kendrick was temptation incarnate. Sadly, she had proven all too willing to be tempted.

“Grandpapa and Meme always used to take me to church in Halifax.” He looked down at his feet. “I miss my grandfather.”

Donella gave him a quick hug. “And I’m sure he misses you. But he’s now with your mother, so you have two people in Heaven to watch over you all the time.”

His brave little smile broke her heart. “Papa misses him too, but he says we should be happy that Mama has Grandpapa to keep her company.” He paused. “I guess you don’t have a mother, either.”

Donella frowned. “Did someone tell you that?”

When his gaze slid sideways, she mentally sighed. “It’s all right, Joseph. I promise I won’t be upset.”

He twisted his mouth into a pucker before answering her. “I heard two of the nursemaids talking. They said your mother got sick and had to go away. Did she die?”


If even the servants had got wind of it, the gossip about Mamma must be more widespread than she’d realized.

“I’m very lucky that my mother is alive,” she said. “But she’s quite ill, so she had to go away and live with a special doctor.”

He grimaced with childish sympathy. “I bet you miss her.”

I miss who she used to be.

“I do.”

“So it’s like you don’t have a mother, either.”

“Fortunately, we both have nice families who take care of us. Andyouhave a splendid papa who loves you very much.”

Joseph rolled his eyes. Apparently, Papa was still in the doghouse. He was rather in Donella’s doghouse, too.

After she rapped on the door, it swung open to reveal Angus.

“Er, good afternoon,” she said, a bit flummoxed to see him. “Are you playing footman today?”

“Aye. Thought I’d spend the day here, seein’ if anyone needed my help, ye ken.” He gave her a broad wink.

She thought it best to ignore the implications of that wink.

Angus helped Joseph off with his coat. “Seems like ye were havin’ quite the chat out there on the porch.”

Donella removed her bonnet and gloves and placed them on a side table. “We were discussing some very deep thoughts.”

“That sounds verra important.”

“It was, Grandda,” Joseph said in a serious voice. “Very important.”

“That does sound interesting,” rumbled a familiar voice. “Care to share those deep thoughts with me?”

Oh, God.

She was not ready to face Logan again. She might never be ready to face him.

Bracing herself, Donella forced a smile and turned to greet him. But the words died on her lips as he crossed the entrance hall to join them. Logan seemed entirely calm and collected, and very handsome in his dark blue tailcoat, formfitting breeches, and tall boots.
