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Braden’s eyes flashed with sympathy. “Understood.”

“Graeme knows the layout of the place, so he’ll come, along with Nick and Alec. We’ll take a few of the grooms, too.”

“What about me?” Grant asked.

“I’d like you and Angus to stay here with the women and children. I won’t leave them unguarded. Edie, Victoria, and Lady Reese can manage the party and hopefully quell any gossip.”

“I’m coming with you,” Edie said.

Alec looked stunned. “The hell you are.”

She ignored him to stare meaningfully at Logan. “Donella might need me. A woman, I mean.”

Logan wanted to deny the implication, but Braden touched his arm. “It’s not a bad idea. And I’ll fetch my surgery bag, in case we need a few things on the spot.”

“All right,” Logan gritted out.

“I don’t want my wife in the middle of this,” Alec objected.

Edie patted his arm. “You don’t have a choice, dearest. But I promise not to get in the way.”

Alec fumed but obviously knew it was a losing battle.

Logan was now in a fever of impatience. “You all know what to do. If you need to change clothes, do it now. Alec and I will scare up some weapons, and we’ll meet at the stables in fifteen minutes.”

“You’ll bring Donella home?” Joseph anxiously asked from the shelter of Victoria’s arms.

He smiled at his son. “I will.”

“Promise, Papa,” Joseph insisted.

He kissed the lad’s forehead. “I promise.”

Chapter Thirty

The carriage came to a rocking halt.

“We’re here,” Mungo Murray announced.

Herewas unknown, since Donella still had the hood of the wretched old cloak—which smelled like a horse blanket—pulled over her face.

Thankfully, her head had stopped ringing. When Mungo’s men had hoisted her out the window, she’d panicked and started to flail her arms. One of her abductors had lost his grip on her shoulders, and she’d clunked her head on the window frame.

She’d been only dimly aware of her passage through the gardens and into a carriage. By the time her head had started to clear, the carriage was already moving.

Mungo had pitched a fit, berating his men for hurting her. That had prompted defensive protests and claims that it washerfault for not meekly submitting to her abduction.

Donella had finally snapped at the whole lot of them, forcefully reminding Mungo that he would face the combined wrath of the Kendrick and Riddick families. The old man had pulled the hood back down over her face and threatened to gag her if she didn’tshut her gob.

She’d spent the rest of the short ride worrying about Logan and her family. They would be wild with fear and furious at Mungo’s audacity. Both Logan and Alasdair would be vowing bloody murder, and Mungo was obviously in no mood to back down, either. It was up to Donella to prevent mayhem, murder, and a clan feud, yet she hadn’t a clue how to do so.

Anything she might say to Mungo at this point had the potential to make things even worse.

The carriage door opened. Someone grabbed her arms and hauled her up.

“Have a care, ye chowderhead,” Mungo barked. “She’s my future daughter-in-law, not an old piece of mutton.”

Oh, dear.Things were definitely going to get sticky.
